Lincoln Farmers' Market

There are lots of public markets in the United Kingdom but far fewer farmers’ markets and they are usually only held once a month. So I was delighted that my one Saturday in the Lincoln area was the date for the Lincoln Farmers’ Market.

Warning! Lots of pictures to provide possible inspiration for Saskatoon Farmers’ Market vendors.

You can’t beat the Market’s location between Lincoln Castle and Cathedral!

It’s a small market and there was only one farmer selling vegetables, but there were all sorts of other interesting items.

There were two stands selling Lincolnshire and other British cheeses. One was also selling fresh unpasteurized milk from the cows on their farm.

Autumn Harvest was selling mushrooms – fresh, dried, powdered, in soup, in risotto mixes, and more. They were also selling enormous pine cones from a tree on their land so you could harvest your own pine nuts.

There were fresh and dried apples from the 130-year-old, organically-managed Old Nurseries orchard, which contains rare, heritage Lincolnshire varieties of apples and pears. They were also selling sloes so you could make your own gin.

There was jam (including ones with prosecco and gin) and fruit wine and all sorts of baked goods. Some of the bakery items would be unfamiliar to Canadians.

And there were even doggie treats that looked far more wholesome than store-bought ones.

Fudge is pretty standard, but I loved the way they’d labelled the different flavours.


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