Flavourful Saskatoon, April 22, 2013

Fair Trade & Ethical Investment, May 1-2 

Jennifer Willems, CEO of La Siembra (makers of Camino chocolate bars), will be speaking in Saskatoon on Fair Trade and Ethical Investment on May 1 and 2:

May 1, 7:30 pm, Station 20 West – What is behind the fair trade label?

May 2, noon, St. Andrew’s College, University of Saskatchewan – Fair and Ethical Investing

Camino is a Canadian brand of fair trade and organic food products, owned by the Ottawa-based La Siembra Co-operative. La Siembra works directly with 23 producer co-ops, supporting more than 39,500 family farmers in 11 countries.

Garden Patch 
The Saskatoon Food Bank’s Garden Patch is a great initiative, providing fresh vegetables to folks who must use the Food Bank. Why not lend a hand by taking responsibility for looking after a small section, supplying items on their wish list, or turning out on Wednesdays to weed?

Journey Bar 

Take a look at any display of energy/nutrition bars, and you’ll see all sorts of chocolate and fruit combinations. But as a backpacker or kayaker, you may soon tire of such a sugary diet.

Journey Bar, on the other hand, offers 5 different savory options – sesame ginger, rosemary, pizza marinara, sea salt, and coconut curry. My brother and his wife found the marinara bar flavourful and a nice change from the sweet bars.

Journey bars are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and made with whole grains for lots of fiber. They’re currently available at Dad’s Organic Market.

Cherry Tomatoes 

It’s such a delight to find loads of cherry tomatoes once again at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. They’re available from both Floating Gardens and Grandora Gardens.

Herschel Hills Cheese
Locally-produced Herschel Hills cheese is now available at Souleio as well as at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market.

Global Beer Collection

If you’re interested in tasting craft beer from around the world, be sure to check out the line-up at Ingredients Artisan Market. The photo shows just a few of the beers that they are selling. They also stock Living Sky wines/cider and Lucky Bastard spirits.

Campus Food Waste 
It’s encouraging to read about these student initiatives to reduce food waste on university campuses. Interesting to note that tray-free dining can reduce food waste by 32% – and it saves on water!

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


Andrea said…
The Energy bars sound interesting. I'm training for a marathon and though I love sweets, I wouldn't mind some savoury afterwards. Need to check out Dad's.

Thank you! Love your Falvourful Saskatoon reports.

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