Flavourful Saskatoon, April 15, 2013

Cheese Seminar, Regina, Apr. 24
The Canadian Culinary Federation (CCFCC), Regina Branch, is hosting a cheese seminar from 7-9 pm, April 24, at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina.

Cheese expert, Reg Hendrickson, will lead a guided tasting of 10 kinds of cheese. For more information and to reserve a place, email president@ccfccregina.ca. (via CJ Katz, Savour Life)

Eat These Words Community Supper, May 26
Slow Food Saskatoon and CHEP Good Food Inc., with The Open Cooks Society, are sponsoring Eat These Words Community Supper at 5 pm on May 26 at Station 20 West.

The supper is part of the NatureCity Festival and will feature local music and “nature in the city” readings, courtesy of the U of S MFA in Writing graduate students.

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance through CHEP (306.655.4575). The event is child and vegan friendly. There will be a raffle for made-in-Saskatchewan prizes and a cash bar.

Root Down – Temporary Closure
I was sorry to hear that Root Down Workers’ Cooperative is temporarily closed. Their lease expired, and they have not yet been able to find another space. They will continue to be available for catering.

Weczeria Open Sundays
It’s good to know that Weczeria Food & Wine is open on Sunday evenings as so many restaurants are closed.

Wild Cuisine Lunch 
My Sunday lunch was courtesy of Wild Cuisine Catering at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. The Spiced Tomato Soup has a hint of curry and a healthy dollop of pickled ginger – lovely and just the thing to stimulate your taste buds.

Dessert was Wild Cuisine’s Mango Strawberry Crisp. There was a really generous serving of fruit and the fresh fruit flavour wasn’t smothered by sugary sweetness.

Vegetarian Butcher Shop
This is so awesome! Monk’s Meats is a vegetarian butcher shop in Brooklyn. Chris Kim, who owns the store, says that they want to bring high-quality, interesting proteins that are plant based to the market. “We don’t make fake meat,” he says. “We make real food.” (via New York Times and Food.Curated)

Plastic Tea Bags
You know those fancy tea bags that feel like silk (Tea Forte, Mighty Leaf)? Well, they’re actually made of plastic – Mighty Leaf uses corn plastic.

Hard to say if paper or plastic tea bags are safe/safer. I’ll stick to loose leaf tea, thank you.

BC Truffles
They’ve harvested the first black truffles in the Fraser Valley. Excellent! I want a taste.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

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