Flavourful Saskatoon July 25, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – prairie cherry ale, floating gardens, food day, and historical recipes
Floating Gardens
I picked up shiny purple eggplant, aromatic basil and delicious strawberries from the Floating Gardens stand at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market this past weekend.

I am eager to take a tour of Floating Gardens as their aquaponics operation is something completely new for Saskatchewan.

Their goal is to raise fresh, pesticide-free produce for Saskatoon and area on a year-round basis (Saskatchewan currently produces less than 10% of its own produce). Their greenhouse combines growing fish with hydroponics (raising plants without soil). The fish produce waste, which then nourishes the plants. The water is recycled, so it’s a self-supporting system.

Food Day Canada at Souleio Foods
Souleio Foods will be serving homemade chanterelle perogies and Pine View Farm sausages on Saturday, July 30 in celebration of Food Day Canada, a national celebration of Canadian food.

Good Spirit Bakery, Watson
I talked with Jonathan Lee from Good Spirit Bakery at the Farmers’ Market on Saturday. He tells me that they’ve expanded the lunch menu at their Watson bakery to include burritos and wraps, and there are new vegetarian options, such as falafel. Sounds great.

Crave Cookies and Cupcakes
The opening of Crave Cupcakes on Broadway Avenue has been delayed. They now expect to open by late September or early October. Never fear! We’ll be ready and waiting outside their door whatever the opening date.

Prairie Cherry Ale
The Bushwakker Brew Pub in Regina will be serving Prairie Cherry Ale this week. The cherries are from Over the Hill Orchards, a certified organic orchard near Lumsden.

Historical Recipes from Parks Canada
To mark its 100th anniversary, Parks Canada is launching its first mobile phone application, Heritage Gourmet, which offers more than 70 recipes tied to the country’s historical landmarks, some dating back to the 18th century.

The app will be available after July 28 from the App Store for iPhone and Android Market. You’ll be able to search for recipes by ingredients, region of origin or time period. Photographs and information about the historic site or people will accompany the recipe. (via The Globe and Mail)

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me (penny@axonsoft.com) if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

Photographs: Mercado Central, Alicante, Spain

See also:
Flavourful Saskatoon July 18, 2011
EcoSask News July 19, 2011
Alicante: Exploring the layers of history
A warm welcome to Sawaddee Bistro


Stephanie V said…
A lot of changes in the food scene since we were in Saskatoon!
Penny McKinlay said…
It's definitely time for a return visit!

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