Flavourful Saskatoon, July 11, 2011
Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – cherry bombs, fresh strawberries, flower tours, and lots and lots of chocolate
D.A.M.N. Fine Foods (also on Facebook) is owned by Dave and Ann Cook, who keep Saskatoon Sous Chef stocked with vegetables during the summer. In exchange, their sheep grow fat on Sous Chef’s compost!
Marr Residence
The Marr Residence, 326 – 11th Street East, is the oldest building in Saskatoon that is still on its original site. Volunteers offer tours and a variety of different program activities.
Sunday, July 24, 11:30-2:30 pm – Dig out your old lunch box and join with friends and neighbours for an old-fashioned box lunch picnic with musical accompaniment.
Sunday, July 31 & Monday, August 1, 1:00-4:30 pm – The Ninth Annual Rhubarb Festival celebrates this hardy plant that played a prominent role in pioneer gardens. Come and enjoy two afternoons of lore, recipes, entertainment and refreshments.
U-pick and ready-picked strawberries and Saskatoon berries are now available at The Strawberry Ranch. Call 384-4842 for picking times.
Another option is to visit The Berry Barn and pick some Saskatoon berries after enjoying a meal in their riverfront dining room. (A waffle with a generous helping of each and every topping is my personal favourite.) Call 978-9797 for reservations.
The Berry Barn is open Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 9 pm. The U-Pick area is open from 8 am to 8 pm.
Nest Secret Garden Tour
The Secret Garden Tour is a self-guided tour of Saskatoon gardens on Sunday, August 7 from 1 to 5 pm. Proceeds go to Nest, a registered charity that helps to settle refugee families in the city. Passports are $10 and are available at Blossoms, Dutch Growers, Flowers by Fred and Nosegay.Chocolatour
Alcohol Level of Wine
An article in The Guardian newspaper reports that the Ontario government tests the alcohol level in the wines they import. A 17-year study of wines from all the major wine-producing companies showed that “every country tends to understate the alcohol levels of the wines with Argentina, Chile and the United States tending to do so most and Portugal and New Zealand the least.”
Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.
More good food and drink:
Flavourful Saskatoon July 4, 2011
Three Farmers Camelina Oil
Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island
I've already tasted the terrific healthy chocolate of Arriba, and will be including them and others in my book.
Stay tuned to http://diversionswithdoreen.wordpress.com for delectable chocolate updates!
Doreen Pendgracs