Flavourful Saskatoon, November 2, 2015

Roasted sweet potato and parmesan curls - great additions to a salad (Little Bird Patisserie)

Apple Cider, Herbs & Spices
Learn how to grow herbs and spices on your windowsill this winter from 7-8 pm, Nov. 18, at the Glen at Crossmount’s Art Barn.

On Nov. 25 & 26, you can learn about the history and origins of cider-making around the world and the varieties of commercial cider available today from 2-3 pm, Nov. 25, and 4-5 pm, Nov. 26. Tyler Kaban, Crossmount’s Cider Maker, will also give a guided tour of the cidery and outline his plans for making cider.

City Park Grocery Store
Good news! Darren Hill, Ward 1’s City Councillor, has spoken with Loblaws and they have said that they will NOT impose restrictive language regarding the sale of food products on the pending sale agreement at the location of the Shop Easy on 7th Ave.

Boffins Fall Menu
Boffins Fall menu includes two vegetarian dishes. I’m particularly intrigued by the grainy waffles ‘n’ pulled ‘shroom stack: two appleasauce wheat and grain waffles topped with house-made smoked pulled mushrooms smothered in apple barbeque sauce with a side of Jack Daniel’s maple syrup.

There’s also an autum pizza with a gluten-free sweet potato crust topped with a herbed ricotta cheese, caramelized onions, arugula, and garlic chips.

Brown butter pecan brownie - yum! (Little Bird Patisserie)

Eat Local in Winter
Here’s an interesting infographic demonstrating that it is possible to eat locally even in winter.

Ottolenghi’s Pumpkin & Squash Recipes
It’s that time of year when there’s an abundance of pumpkin and squash for sale. Yottam Ottolenghi’s recipes for roast pumpkin squash with lentils and dolcelatte (similar to gorgonzola) and roasted pumpkin soup with harissa and crisp chickpeas sound tasty.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

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