Flavourful Saskatoon, November 10, 2014

Coming later this week - two stories from Calgary

Tastings, Saskatoon Co-op Wine, Spirits, Beer
Here are two of the upcoming tastings at Saskatoon Co-op Wine, Spirits, Beer.
Nov. 13, 7 pm – Port wine tasting
Nov. 21, 7 pm – Orofino wine tasting with winemaker John Weber

Wine & Cheese Tasting, Nov. 15 
Riversdale Delicatessen is hosting a wine & cheese tasting with Doug Reichel, Fine Wines Sask, on November 15. Contact them quickly if you’re interested as tickets are selling fast.

Black Market Market, Nov. 30 
I just read about the Black Market Market on Nov. 30, and it sounds like fun. They describe it as “Berlin flea market meets Christmas market” and there will be treats from The Night Oven Bakery.

Did you catch my story about the 8 Street China Supermarket?

Choo-It Coffee
Choo-It is planning to roast coffee and make cold-brewed coffee. With cereal and coffee in their repertoire, it’s almost a complete breakfast.

Bialys Comes to Saskatoon
The Night Oven Bakery was selling bialys on Saturday. That was something new to me, so I googled it. Apparently bialys is not well known outside of New York City. It originated in Bialystok, Poland, and is similar to a bagel, but there’s no hole in the middle and it’s baked not boiled.

Gardening on Campus 
It’s great to read about university gardening projects. The article describes a CSA, a farm and nature preserve, and a couple of learning/teaching gardens.

What’s Your Favorite Cheese? 
Can our taste in cheese identify our personality? Who knows, but it’s a fun exercise.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

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