Slow Food Saskatoon Planning Meeting

You’re invited to attend the very first planning meeting for Slow Food Saskatoon on Thursday, June 7, from 7-8:30 pm at Caffe Sola (corner of 23rd Street and Pacific Avenue).

Please come prepared to share your ideas, hopes and dreams for Slow Food Saskatoon. I hope that by the end of the evening we will have decided on one or two activities to introduce Slow Food to Saskatoon residents.

I know we all lead busy lives, so I’m hoping we can divide up the tasks into bite-size, manageable chunks and begin sharing responsibilities for internal and external communications and event planning.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please email me your suggestions for Slow Food Saskatoon, and I will take them to the meeting for you.

Please feel free to share this invitation. Everyone is welcome.

P.S. Our use of Caffe Sola’s space is free so long as we all indulge in one of their lattes or desserts. They serve awesome food so this shouldn’t be a hardship ;-)

See you soon!
Penny McKinlay

For further information: 
Slow Food: Because Food Matters
What is Slow Food?
Slow Food in Saskatoon: Activities


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