Flavourful Saskatoon, May 14, 2012

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – fresh and local, kids’ day at the Market, culinary events, fair trade, reducing food waste 

Fresh n Local, May 14
Fresh n Local will soon be delivering farm-fresh produce and sustainably-sourced groceries to Saskatoon residents. You can try out the system and find out more about the vendors and the types of food that will be supplied on May 14 at 7:30 pm at The Two Twenty.

Farmers’ Market Dinner, May 17
Chef Dan Walker of Weczeria will be cooking up a five-course meal at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market at 6 pm on May 17. Tickets are available at the Market office.

Kids’ Day at the Market, May 19
The Saskatoon Farmers’ Market is celebrating Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day with product snacks, displays and activities for kids from 10 am to 2 pm. This is a great opportunity to get your kids hooked on market shopping.

Emma Lake Culinary Evening, May 24 & 25
Enjoy a 6-course dinner prepared by Kevin Tetz, the Executive Chef, at Jewel of the North Resort, Emma Lake on May 24 or 25. Tickets must be purchased by May 22.

Latin Event, May 27
Enjoy Spanish food and entertainment on Sunday, May 27 from noon to 5 pm at a fundraiser for St. Mary’s Parish and the Spanish community. The event is being held at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. Tickets are $40 for adults and $10 for children. Call Linda at 260-2410 or St. Mary’s Parish at 244-2983 for additional information.

ZooGala, June15
Enjoy a meal prepared by Saskatoon Chefs of the Canadian Culinary Federation, a tour of the Saskatoon Zoo by train, and Kevin Arcand’s lively music at ZooGala on June 15. Tickets are $110 and support the Saskatoon Zoo Foundation, which is dedicated to raising funds for capital improvements within the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo.

Fair Trade
Fairtrade: Is it really fair? examines the pros and cons of the Fairtrade label. As with every system, it has both benefits (reliable price, a living wage) and shortcomings (other schemes are just as valuable, not applicable in every farming situation).

If you want to buy fair trade products, do you know where they are available? Some communities are designated as fair trade communities. Canmore has developed a list of participating businesses, while Vancouver has an extensive website to help you shop fair trade.

Ban Food Waste
1.4 million tons of food waste goes into landfills every year. Massachusetts is seeking to reduce that figure by making it illegal for large restaurants, businesses and institutions to put food waste in the garbage. The food waste will be diverted to composting sites and plants that can convert waste into energy, heat and/or fertilizer.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

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Photos: Muttart Conservatory, Edmonton


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