Flavourful Saskatoon, January 2, 2012

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – from cask ale to perogies, ginger, knitting, and vegan recipes

Saskatoon’s First Cask Ale Event, January 5
Winston’s Pub, in partnership with Paddock Wood Brewing, is hosting a cask ale event on Thursday, January 5. Bagpipers will be piping in the cask at 7 pm to be followed by knocking in the spigot.

Ukrainian Christmas, January 7
Be sure to stop by The Three Sisters at Nestor’s Bakery for some traditional Ukrainian foods to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas on January 7. You can pick up perogies, borscht, Urkrainian bread, poppy seeds, and more.

Earth Bound Bakery, closed January 1-12
Earth Bound Bakery is closed until January 12. How will I manage without my Saturday croissant!

Wild Serendipity Cooking Classes
Michelle Zimmer of Wild Serendipity Foods has posted her Winter 2012 Cooking Classes. The Desserts Only class in May sounds awesome – 5 amazing sweet treats. I recommend signing up immediately as Michelle’s classes fill up fast. I had a great time at the Holiday Appetizers class in November.

City Perks Knitting Group
Novice and experienced knitters are invited to participate in the Friday Night Knitting Group at City Perks coffee shop from 7 to 10 pm.

Just Ginger, Saskatoon Farmers’ Market
If you enjoy ginger, be sure to stop by the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on a Sunday when Just Ginger will be happy to give you a sample of her many jams and chutneys – all with a splash of ginger.

I picked up two small jars of Gingered Rhubarb, Cranberry ‘n Spice Jam as well as Gingered Cranberry, Pear ‘n Rhubarb Chutney. The ginger adds complexity to the flavour and isn’t overpowering.

Just Ginger will be at the Saturday market if and when space is available.

Did you know that Brainsport (Broadway Avenue) sells a variety of locally-made products, including Choo-It and Genki energy bars (made from prairie-grown lentils)?

Two by Dahlsjo, Prince Albert
Starting in January, Two by Dahlsjo will be hosting a monthly dinner club. Email Chef Kevin (kevin@twobyd.ca) or call the restaurant at 922-2992 for additional information.

Go Vegan! with Sarah Kramer iPhone and iPad app
The Go Vegan! with Sarah Kramer app for the iPhone and iPad includes 60 recipes, videos and audio tips, as well as an emailable shopping list. Sarah Kramer has a vegan curio shop in Victoria, BC. You can download a Vegan Guide to Downtown Victoria from her website.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me (penny@axonsoft.com) if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

Photos: Cloister, Tarragona Cathedral, Spain


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