Wild Serendipity Cooking Class

I went to my first-ever cooking class two weeks ago, and I had a blast. Michelle Zimmer (here's my profile) of Wild Serendipity Foods has been offering cooking classes for the past five years. One of her most popular classes is Holiday Appetizers, and this is the one that I was fortunate enough to attend.

There were nine of us in the group. Some people came alone; some were couples; others were friends. And the age range covered the gamut. There were nine recipes, and I wondered how we would ever make them all in one evening, but it wasn’t a problem. Groups of two or three each took on one or two recipes. I worked on the Mushroom & Artichoke Phyllo Triangles, which were fiddly, so we were only responsible for the one recipe.

I was pleasantly surprised by the calm, laid-back atmosphere. People helped each other out, and no one told me I was chopping too slowly. Michelle always seemed to know when someone needed help or was looking for something, so it all flowed extremely smoothly.

Participants had a chance to learn new skills (making puff pastry, working with phyllo) and new recipes. And we feasted on the assortment of tasty treats at the end of the evening.

I highly recommend taking a cooking class. Wild Serendipity Foods will be offering more classes starting in March. And Simon Reynolds (here's my profile) of Simon’s Fine Foods offers a huge assortment of cooking classes.

Go alone or go with a group. You’ll have fun and learn something new. And take some containers as you’ll be sure to go home with leftovers.

Pepita Dip with Rosemary Flatbread

Shrimp & Bacon Puffs with Two Dipping Sauces

Spinach Balls with Mango Yoghurt Dipping Sauce

Mushroom & Artichoke Phyllo Triangles

Cranberry Jalapeno Cheesecake

Click on the slideshow below for more photographs.

Wild Serendipity Cooking Class


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