Flavourful Saskatoon, October 24, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – SaskMade Marketplace, Caffe Sola, Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, That Pie Guy, Food Bloggers of Canada and more

SaskMade Marketplace, November 5
Don’t miss the Grand Opening of SaskMade Marketplace on Saturday, November 5 from 10 am to 5 pm.

If Music be the Food of Love, Play On
A Pair of Prairie Duos , 7 pm, November 11, Third Avenue United Church
Saskia & Darrel will be joined by Freddie and Sheila Pelletier and backed up by violinist Kim de la Forest.

The concert is raising funds for church operations as well as awareness for veterans with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Tickets are $15 and are available at McNally Robinson or at Third Avenue United Church (652-6812). (via Darrel – thanks!)

Caffe Sola
Caffe Sola is open 7 days a week for the winter months; Sunday hours are 10 to 3. Do make the opportunity to visit. They have the most amazing baked goods and desserts for really reasonable prices, and the staff are warm and friendly. It makes my day to visit there. This past week’s chocolate-caramel-apple upside down cake was gooey and delicious.

Their colourful chalkboard menus are posted daily on Facebook and are such fun.

Saskatoon Farmers’ Market
It may be October, but the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market still has a wealth of fresh produce – leeks, spinach, a wide variety of squash, carrots and potatoes.

I picked up an armful of exciting produce at Floating Gardens – two kinds of tomatoes, shiny purple eggplant, okra, fresh basil, and white amaranth (I’m told it’s similar to spinach but a little more peppery and can be eaten either raw or cooked). Floating Gardens also had strawberries and the last of this year’s melons.

That Pie Guy
I enjoyed a vegetarian artichoke lasagna from That Pie Guy this week. Lots of filling (spinach and artichoke) and lots of flavour. You can keep track of what he has to offer on Facebook.

Food Bloggers of Canada
Food Bloggers of Canada has just launched as a way for Canadian food bloggers to connect and find resources. There are currently four food bloggers listed for Saskatchewan – BS’ in the Kitchen, Flatlander Foodie, Sweet Sugar Bean, and Wanderlust and Words.

enRoute Eats: Canada’s Restaurant Guide
The editors of Air Canada’s enRoute magazine have prepared enRoute Eats, a free app for iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad featuring over 250 award-winning restaurants and favourite spots across Canada.

Whole Foods Market Recipes
Another app for iPhone and iPad. You can search the Whole Foods Market Recipes by ingredients and dietary preferences (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or you can enter up to 3 items that you have on hand to find recipes using those ingredients. The recipes include nutritional information and cooking instructions. (via Shelley – thanks!)

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me (penny@axonsoft.com) if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

See also:
Flavourful Saskatoon October 17, 2011


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