Flavourful Saskatoon, August 15, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – wine and tapas, veggie day care, dessert trends, and farmers’ markets

Duck Duck Goose
Duck Duck Goose, Saskatoon’s first wine and tapas bar, will be opening at lunch time on Tuesday. I’ll be posting a profile of Megan Macdonald and Todd Gronsdahl, the owners of Sushiro and Duck Duck Goose Tuesday afternoon.

Veggie Tots Day Care
Are you looking for a vegetarian/vegan day care for your children? If so, contact Kim Vander Kooy at veggietotsdaycare@yahoo.ca. Kim has two young boys, a Bachelor of Education and experience teaching in Africa and Asia.

Birthday celebrations - Saskatoon Farmers’ Market
There will be musical entertainment and free samples from the vendors at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21 to celebrate the Market’s 36th year of operation.

Events organizer
The Saskatoon Farmers’ Market is looking for an Events Organizer. Email your resume, with a cover letter, to skfarm@sasktel.net

Pure Frozen Yogurt Bar
Pure Frozen Yogurt Bar has just opened in University Heights (126 – 1824 McOrmond Drive). Pure is a self-serve bar with 8 yogurt flavours and up to 50 toppings. They’re open from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm and on Sundays from 11 am to 9 pm. (via Saskatoon StarPhoenix)

Dessert trends – Coming soon to Saskatoon?
Tiramisu Bar – Tiramisu bars have just opened in New York City and Milan. Dolce Vizio Tiramisu in NYC sells tiramisu in 6 flavours with the option to assemble your own from the custard, lady fingers and toppings in the self-service bar and can be enjoyed in the restaurant or as take-away. In addition to the classic tiramisu, they offer limoncello, orange espresso, mango and nutella. (via New York Times Diner’s Journal)

Dessert in a Jar – I’ve been seeing lots of online references to desserts cooked and/or served in mason jars. Is anyone serving them in Saskatoon? Take a look at lemon meringue pie in a jar or s’mores cake in a jar – looks yummy!

Cake ShotsHot Racks Bakery is planning to offer cake shots – the cupcake you eat with a spoon. Sounds interesting – I’ll let you know what I find out when I meet with Andree Bobinski, the Hot Racks baker later this week.

More farmers’ markets means more jobs
The United States Department of Agriculture released its latest Farmers Market Survey last week. There are 17% more farmers’ markets in the United States than there were last year, “a sign that the local and regional food system is robust and thriving. More farmers markets mean more opportunities for small and midsize farmers – especially beginning farmers – to diversify their farms, ssell their products, and grow their businesses.”

The report goes on to state that “modest public funding for 100 to 500 otherwise-unsuccessful farmers markets a year could create as many as 13,500 jobs over a five-year period.” (via Grist)

Local food at local events
The municipality of Saanich on Vancouver Island plans to serve local food at all its events, eventually moving toward having local food in all its food services. What a great way to support local farmers.

This follows the example of the University of Victoria whose Green Purchasing Policy estimates that 46% of their produce comes from Vancouver Island farms and 36% of the meat and poultry comes from BC producers. All the baked goods and pizza come from bakeries in southern Vancouver Island.

Choices Cafeteria in St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan, serves local organic meats, vegetables, breads and free trade coffee.

In a pickle
If you’re canning the season’s abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables to enjoy during the winter, here are a few unusual recipes: Italian Eggplant Pickles, Cambodian-Style Cabbage Pickle, and Rowan Berry Jam.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me (penny@axonsoft.com) if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

Today's photographs were taken in Barcelona, Tarragona and Valencia.

See also:
Flavourful Saskatoon August 8, 2011


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