Flavourful Saskatoon, December 9, 2013

Slow Food Salon, Dec. 15
Join me at the Slow Food Salon from 3-5 pm on Sunday, December 15, at City Perks Coffeehouse. Our conversation will centre on Food and Festivities: What role does food play in your family’s and culture’s celebrations? Everyone is welcome.

Boffins Events
If you work at Innovation Place, don’t miss the Holiday Baking Class on December 11, Fare & Ale on December 12, and In Vino Veritas on December 19.

Cheese & Beer Fest, Feb. 1
Prairie Sun Brewery is introducing a completely new way of doing business. They not only brew their beer, but they host regular events. Monthly launches of their newest beer combine meals catered by local businesses and musical entertainment as well as sale of 1- and 2-litre growlers.

On February 1, they’ll be holding a Cheese and Beer Festival, and it’s all about celebrating local. Five local chefs will prepare dishes with cheese from three Saskatchewan businesses (Bulk Cheese Warehouse, Herschel Hills, Salayview Farm) as well as a Manitoba and an Alberta cheese producer. I’m sure there will be music as well. I applaud the creativity behind these pop-up events. And I'm glad they share my love of cheese. 

Food Trends 2014
I’m putting together some predictions about upcoming or desired food trends. What would you like to see happen in the local food scene? Please send me your ideas.

Ready-Made Vegan Meals
Here’s an interesting Edmonton business. VegPalette offers prepared vegan meals delivered to your door weekly. Meals are made from scratch, and they emphasize local and organic food. (via Only Here for the Food)

The Price of Healthy
A recent research report in the British Medical Journal says that a family on a healthy diet can expect to pay $2000 more a year for food than a family eating less nutritious meals. They reported that healthy meat and protein showed the highest price difference, and I question that result. Certainly, meat is expensive, but lentils and beans are excellent sources of protein and they’re very inexpensive.

Rediscovering the Deliciousness of the Earth
In this article, Frances Moore Lappe explains the delight and benefits from a plant-based diet: “I have realized that delicious eating is not an indulgence. It is the body’s way of reminding us how we can solve the ecological crises we face. All of us long for good food, and I believe that it’s possible for a groundswell of food lovers to heal the Earth—as millions of us align our taste buds with what the planet and people need."  

Food Ads & Kids 
Should we ban junk food ads aimed at children? If so, what is the best way to go about it? Check out this thought-provoking article from The Economist that looks at the different approaches being taken around the world. Consumer pressure is perhaps the most effective tool we have, so let your healthy food purchases speak for you.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting the BMJ article, Penny. It seems like beans and lentils are a no-brainer when you are familiar with them, but they can take a while to cook and they aren't in everyone's cultural or culinary vocabulary. Dahl is delicious and inexpensive, but plain cooked lentils are gruel. In a single-parent home where a parent needs to feed the kids quickly before heading out to a second job, taste matters and a cooking class might not be in the budget or schedule.
Penny McKinlay said…
Good point. It underlies the importance of food education and cooking classes.
Carter said…
Some great food events taking place in town over the next few weeks! Thanks a lot for sharing, Penny. I'm going to try to add a few more of these to my events blog as well. :)

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