Flavourful Saskatoon, October 14, 2013

Slow Food Salon, Oct. 20 
Slow Food Saskatoon is hosting a Slow Food Salon from 7-9:30 pm, October 20, at City Perks Coffeehouse. A conversational salon is an ongoing gathering of people who share a passion for ideas. Conversational salons can be frontiers for social and cultural change. Less formal than facilitated meetings, salons feed the human need for connection and rely on natural synergies.

 The topic for the October salon is: What does Slow Food mean in the Saskatchewan context? What is our local agricultural/food wisdom? What should we protect? What should we taste? How can we connect all the wisdom and resources in our local community to strengthen our food system?

Slow-Cooked SK, Oct. 26 
Stop by SaskMade Marketplace between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm on October 26 and pick up some easy recipes and tasty samples.

And, if you live in Regina, be sure to visit SaskMade Marketplace in the Cornwall Centre from November to January.

Home Delivery 
I’m relying on family and friends to do my shopping while I recover from surgery, so I was delighted to find a couple of great home delivery services this week.

Bottega Trattoria is now delivering pizza. The vegetarian pizza was great with a chewy crust and lots of toppings, including sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, artichokes and broccoli.

Barbara Harder-Lutz, the Cake Witch from Rosthern, brought me a wonderful selection of cherry truffle brownies, apple strudel, chai biscotti, pumpkin orange spice cake and lemon cranberry pound cake. She is planning to start a weekly home delivery service to Saskatoon, so be sure to like and follow her on Facebook.

Boffins Club 
If you work at Innovation Place (or even if you don't!), be sure to check out all the special events at the Boffins Club, including wine and beer tastings (with food pairings) and cooking classes.

Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs Saskatoon served up a salvaged vegan Thanksgiving dinner on the corner of 22nd Street and 2nd Avenue this past weekend. If you are interested in helping out, join their Facebook group and help cook most Saturday afternoons at 2 pm at the Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op.

Photos: Todos Santos, Baja, Mexico

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


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