Flavourful Saskatoon, September 19, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – community gardens, woman power, birch syrup, wild mushrooms, local apples and vodka

Community Gardens
CHEP Good Food Inc. is working with community gardeners to increase access to fresh, affordable, healthy food. Here’s an excerpt from EcoFriendly Sask’s interview with Ruth Anne Hudack, Community Gardening Coordinator with CHEP:

“Ruth Anne says that there has been increased interest in community gardening over the past three years. Accessibility to land was a problem at first, but City officials and community decision-makers have grown in their understanding and appreciation for community gardening. Saskatoon Public Schools provided funding and support for four pilot projects in 2011, and the number of churches providing land is growing....

"Community gardening is evolving from a recreational activity on small plots of land to intensive gardening on larger plots as people seek to produce their own food in order to ensure greater food safety, a smaller carbon footprint, and financial savings.” There are over 18 community gardens in Saskatoon, from a large garden with lots of ethnic diversity at the University Residences to a shared, communal garden in Caswell Hill."

Employment: CHEP Kids Kitchen Employment Facilitator
For four years, CHEP Good Food Inc. and the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division have partnered to offer Kids Kitchen, an after-school children's nutrition and cooking skills program. This year, up to three 5-week sessions will be offered to grade 4/5 students at community elementary schools.

Requirements: Experience working with food and children; excellent knowledge of food and nutrition; access to a reliable vehicle; clear criminal record and vulnerable person's check; post-secondary education in a related field is an asset. Term: 3 hours per day, two or three days per week for up to three 5-week sessions.

Application deadline: Monday September 26th. For more information or to submit a resume, contact Robin Hartl at robin@chep.org (or fax resume, Attention Robin Hartl, to 655-5512.) 

Women Feed the World
Oxfam Canada’s Executive Director Robert Fox will address University of Saskatchewan students in his presentation, “Women Feed the World: Why the world’s food system is broken and why women are key to rebuilding it.”

This event is being held in the ISSAC (International Student and Study Abroad Centre) Training Room, Lower Place Riel, Room 80, University of Saskatchewan on Friday, September 23 from 1:30-2:30 pm.

Local Apples at the Market
There were locally-grown apples (no herbicides or pesticides) for sale beside the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on Saturday (across from Cava). Hopefully they’ll be there again this coming Saturday. (via @VictorDas – thanks!)

Birch Syrup and Wild Mushrooms
SaskMade Marketplace is now carrying birch syrup and dried mushrooms (porcini, pine mushrooms, chanterelles, morels) from Prairie Infusions. Prairie Infusions is dedicated to harvesting and selling wild foods that are available in Saskatchewan’s forests in an environmentally-sound way.

City Perks
City Perks coffee shop will continue to be open on weekday evenings during the fall and winter. They will close at 6 on Saturdays and Sundays. They will take reservations for groups or clubs with over 4 members who want to meet in the evenings.

Harvest Supper
The Friends of the Forestry Farm House will be serving a three-course harvest supper on Sunday, September 25 with seatings at 5 and 7 pm at the Superintendent’s Residence, Forestry Farm Park. Tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance. Call Claire at 373-1787 or email c.bear@sasktel.net 

Cava Secreta – Wine and Dine
Enjoy food and wine from Spain on September 23 or food and wine from Tuscany on September 30 with Cava Wines & Spirits. Call 664-CAVA for more information.

Cava Secreta – Soy Vodka
Cava Secreta is now selling 3 Vodka. 3 Vodka is carefully distilled from soy and select grains and has been well received around the world. Try the original or black raspberry flavour. 

Food Bank
Following the Food Basket Challenge this past week made me very, very aware of how fortunate I am. The Saskatoon Food Bank is not the solution to hunger and poverty in Saskatoon, but it plays a crucial role in helping to feed hungry people. Financial donations are greatly appreciated as they can often double the dollar amount through special arrangements with the supermarkets. You can even donate online.

If you want to give actual food, here are some of the most valuable items: canned protein (beans, fish, or meat), canned fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, whole grain cereals, pasta and rice, baby food and baby formula, chilli, hearty canned soups and stews, 100% fruit juice.

Friendship Inn
The Saskatoon Friendship Inn provides two meals a day for anyone who comes in the door – no questions asked. On any given day, up to 500 people will come to eat breakfast and/or lunch. They are currently raising money to build a bigger facility. You can donate online.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me (penny@axonsoft.com) if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

See also:
Flavourful Saskatoon September 12, 2011

Photos: City Park Community Garden 


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