Flavourful Saskatoon, March 21, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon – from collard greens and hot cross buns to environmental films about coffee and bees

Spring Greens
I picked up fresh chard and collard greens from Goodlife Greenhouses at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on Saturday. (They had fresh basil, radishes and lettuce as well.)

Collard greens are members of the cabbage family and a close relative of kale. They have a long, proud history as both the Greeks and the Romans cultivated and ate collard greens. Collard greens are also very popular in the southern United States.

Hot Cross Buns
Every spring, I look forward to hot cross buns – it must be part of my British heritage. I was afraid I’d miss out on them this year as I’ll be in Spain in April. However, they are already available! (photo credit and recipe)

Earthbound Bakery on 8th Street is currently selling hot cross buns on Fridays and Saturdays. In April, they will be available from Tuesday to Saturday. All the ingredients – from the currants and candied papaya and lemon peel, to the flour and spices – are organic. Yum!

Good Spirit Bakery, Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, sells great organic buns right before Easter. And Sonja Pasloski is my go-to source for light-as-air buns with icing sugar crosses (across from Wild Serendipity Foods at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market).

Saskatoon Food Bank
Did you know that you can donate online to the Saskatoon Food Bank? $20 buys enough formula to feed a baby for a week, while $130 will buy milk for 100 children and pregnant and nursing women.

Chef Kevin Dahlsjo
Congratulations to Kevin Dahlsjo of Prince Albert who will be competing again this year in the Saskatchewan Gold Medal Plates, a cooking competition that features the top 10 chefs in every province.

Environmental Film Festival
The Saskatchewan Eco Network is sponsoring the sixth annual Environmental Film Festival at the Roxy Theatre on 20th Street from April 1 to 3, 2011. (via SB – thank you!)

Strong Coffee (12 pm, Saturday, April 2 – 48 minutes) tells the story of Café Feminino, a women's organic coffee co-operative in Peru.

Vanishing of the Bees (12 pm, Sunday, April 3 – 90 minutes) explains why honey bees are disappearing and introduces some of the people who are trying to save them. Following the film, Barry Brown, University of Saskatchewan, will lead a short workshop on beekeeping.

Vanishing of the Bees - Trailer from Bee The Change on Vimeo.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. Email me if you have products, events or places that you would like me to include.

See Also:
     Flavourful Saskatoon, March 14, 2011
     Earthbound Bakery
     Chef Kevin Dahlsjo


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