Flavourful Saskatoon, February 17, 2011

Foodie news and events in and around Saskatoon 

There are so many interesting foodie events around Saskatoon, so I’m going to try and compile them and share them with you on a weekly basis.

I’m planning to post Flavourful Saskatoon news on Mondays, but there are a couple of exciting upcoming events that I didn’t want you to miss so I’m posting early this week.

Please email me to share foodie news and events. I’ll be happy to pass along the information.

Collective Coffee
A new coffee shop is opening at 220 20th Street West on Saturday, February 19 at 10 am. The owner is Jackson Wiebe, and the coffee shop is part of The Two Twenty, a community of social entrepreneurs and artists and has been designed and built by Curtis Olson.

I’ll share more information in a future blog post. For now, Jackson and Curtis just want you to know that “It’s good in the ‘Hood.” So be sure to drop by and say hi to the folks at Collective Coffee.

Slide show – culinary tour of South Vancouver Island
I’m hosting a visual tour of the bakeries, wineries, beaches and gardens of south Vancouver Island on Friday, February 25 at 2 pm at the Frances Morrison Library (downtown location).

The slide presentation is part of the library’s Fridays at Two program. I’d be delighted to see you there. There’s no charge.

Raw chocolate-making classes
Kai Hicks, creator of Arriba Raw Organic Chocolate, is offering raw chocolate-making classes on Saturday, February 19 or Saturday, March 5 from 10:30 am to 1 pm or from 2 pm to 5 pm at The Refinery, St. James Anglican Church (609 Dufferin Avenue). Call the Refinery office at 653-3549 to register.

Wine workshops
The Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council is offering wine education classes. Participants in the Old and New World Blends class on Saturday, March 5 from 1:30-3:30 pm will taste and compare blended wines from Europe and North America. You can register online at http://www.steconlinelearning.com/.

Restaurants serving local, organic food
The Saskatchewan Organic Directorate provides a list by postal code of restaurants serving local and/or organic food.

Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers
Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers is holding a fundraising dinner in honour of International Women’s Day on Friday, March 4 at the Western Development Museum (reception at 5 pm, dinner at 6:30). The tickets cost $35 and must be purchased by February 25. For tickets, call Lily Krause (652-8209) or Julia Davies (374-4357).

Frustrating food trivia
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein, iron and zinc and have many possible health benefits. Unfortunately, the only pumpkin seeds that are available in Saskatoon are grown in China (Steep Hill Co-op has tried but been unable to buy more locally).

I’d be very interested to hear from farmers as to whether we could grow pumpkins for seeds on the Prairies.


Jen said…
Do pumpkins like water?
Penny McKinlay said…
I think rice might be a better option on your swampy land :)
Jen said…
This is true. Yeah, pumpkins probably wouldn't like it to much. Too bad, I don't think anyone will be renting our land next year.
Tim from Calgary said…
Jackson's shop up in Waskesiu (Evrgreen) is in the top three places for coffee in the province. Collective Coffee is sure to surpass even that with the focus on coffee. I can't wait till it opens so I can go.
Jen said…
So if you grew pumpkins for seeds what would you do with the pumpkins? And are they looking for cooked seeds or raw seeds?
Penny McKinlay said…
You've raised an interesting question, Jen. If you live on a rural acreage, how do you connect with local producers to supply them with your produce - be it pumpkins or rhubarb. I think the process is fairly hit and miss. You meet someone or hear of someone. You might want to contact local producers to see if you can help supply them with produce - whether it's to make wine or yogurt or ice cream. Talk to the people at the Farmers' Market or talk to some of the chefs in Saskatoon who source their products locally as much as possible. I believe Chef Anthony McCarthy of the Saskatoon Club is involved in Saskatchewan Bounty, an organization that tries to bring together local producers.

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