Public Speaking Tip #3

Spark your audience’s curiosity

“You can entice, inspire, cajole, stimulate, or fascinate but you cannot make anyone listen to anything.” – Annette Simmons, The Story Factor

Or, as the Heath brothers say, “Curiosity must come before content . . . tease, don’t tell.”

For example, the Heath brothers recount the story of David Foster who was asked to make a presentation on his church’s finances. He doubled attendance by posting a quiz in the church bulletin the week before the meeting with questions like, “How much does St. Timothy’s spend to host coffee-hour after services in a year? a) $3,500; b) $8,000; c) $8,750; d) $9,250” and “If income and expenses are on track with the budget, at the end of the year, we will have: a) a large surplus; b) a large deficit; c) break even; d) a small deficit.”


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