Prairie Gold

As the year draws to an end, I have been counting my blessings. This has been a very good year for me.

I have been healthy and strong and full of energy. I have a solid network of family and friends who sustain and support me. My apartment has become a comfortable home with the addition of new flooring and new furniture.

2009 has been a year of discovery and learning and beauty:
  • I have moved outside my comfort zone in networking and promoting my freelance business.  
  • I spent three glorious weeks in Spain studying architecture and design, trying my best to learn a new language, and exploring a new culture completely on my own.
  • I have taken thousands of photographs and even gave a slide show about Spain at the public library.
  • I have read voraciously on so many different subjects - creativity, economics, politics, and more. 
  • I am learning new computer skills, so essential in our current age. I developed a professional website and started using Google Reader and Delicious and Springnote.  
  • I have become more environmentally conscious, buying local, organic foods and trying to step more gently on the earth. 
  • I have attended lectures on architecture and urban design that sustained my belief that cities and buildings are for people not cars. 
  • I've been to concerts and plays and the ballet in Saskatoon and Vancouver and Spain.
  • I've delighted in the beauty around me - from the grassy fields beside the South Saskatchewan River to the scented gardens and fountains of the Alhambra and the Alcazar in Andalucia.
As the morning light turns the prairie grass to gold, I give thanks for family and friends, for the many opportunities to learn and to explore, and for the natural beauty that surrounds us. I give thanks for life.


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