Flavourful Saskatoon, November 26, 2018

Saskatoon Urban Agriculture Holiday Celebration, Dec. 5 
Join CHEP is celebrating Saskatoon’s Urban Agriculture Champions from 4:45-7 pm, Dec. 5, at Station 20 West.

Indigenous Food in the City, Dec. 14 
There will be a workshop on Indigenous Food in the City from 8:30-11:30 am, Dec. 14, at Station 20 West. There will be a similar workshop in Fort Qu’Appelle on Dec. 11.

Hospital Food Served Restaurant Style 
Halifax’s largest regional hospital is planning to feed patients what they want when they want. If you want a piece of toast at 10 am and a full meal at 4 pm, that’s what you’ll get.

Barrel-Aged Coffee 
Coffee roasters admit that novelty is a big selling point for whiskey-barrel aged coffee. According to coffee roasters, you need to choose the right coffee that will stand up to the intense flavours of the barrel. “We look for outstanding coffees, something that will be immensely complex with the added layer of barrel aging. Whether it is a barrel-aged bourbon natural Ethiopia espresso shot served in our café, or a freshly roasted bag of Pinot-noir-aged Guatemala Huehuetenango, customers get excited over our releases,” says Bartleby Bloss of Modern Times.

Food Trade Game 
Find out more about food security and fair trade with the Food Trade Game.

Let the Battle Begin 
What do you think? Do beans belong in chili? What about pineapple on pizza? Take a stand in these 8 epic food wars.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post articles about food that is good, clean and fair; travel; and books. You may also enjoy EcoFriendly Sask profiling Saskatchewan environmental initiatives and events. 

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Photos: Simpkins Market Garden, Saskatoon Farmers' Market


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