Flavourful Christmas Greetings from England

No big news this week so I thought I’d share a few photos from my English adventure.

This photo is for Michelle Zimmer, Wild Serendipity Foods

Here are a couple of photos from the Spalding Market for all my friends at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market.

I have been staying in an old cottage surrounded by fields full of cabbages, Brussel sprouts and leeks.

The land is extremely flat (flatter than the Prairies) as it has been recovered from the sea. Last winter there were flood warnings as the dykes and ditches overflowed their banks.

These Brussel sprouts are sure to have come from a local farmer’s field.

The weather has been mild, so I sat and read in the garden behind Ayscoughfee Hall, Spalding.

Wishing you all a happy, peaceful Christmas with friends and family – and lots of good food!


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