It's October! Time for Fungi & Mushrooms

Welcome to October in what I’m referring to as my Year of Staying in Place. After spending the past six winters in Europe and travelling to BC in the summers, it’s a big change and I’m doing my best to turn that into a positive not a negative. Winter is especially challenging as my back and legs really don’t like walking on lumpy snow and ice. Plus it does tend to be a tad cold in Saskatchewan! Hence the focus on indoor activities. I’m setting a theme for each month with activities that I hope will send me exploring and having fun in new directions. 

The theme for October is Fungi & Mushrooms. (I realize that the term fungi includes mushrooms, but the use of both words strikes me as more poetic!) Here’s what I have planned. 

Watch the documentary Fantastic Fungi 

Read mysteries where the murder weapon is a poison mushroom 

Enjoy a mushroom spread (purchased in Quillan, France – happy days! – and hoarded for a special occasion) and make a mushroom pasta or risotto. 

Explore other possibilities. Is there a virtual fungi museum? Are there artists specializing in fungi paintings? What about poetry? 

Suggestions for additional activities are most welcome. In the meantime, enjoy this month. We’ll never pass this way again.


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