
Showing posts from July, 2018

Bulldozers, Hoodoos, and Lunar Landscapes

I've been fortunate enough to be invited to housesit near Nelson, British Columbia, every other year. I usually drive straight through with just one overnight stop, but this year I decided to take it slowly and visit some parks along the way. After 4-5 hours of driving past fields of flax, canola, and oil wells, it's surprising to see evergreen-covered hills in the distance and to arrive in the forests of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park . The wildflowers were stunning, and I definitely plan to come back. My next stop was Red Rock Coulee near Medicine Hat, Alberta. Again, you're driving through fields lined with bales of hay when you head up a short hill and spy a maze of dry stream beds with large, round, red boulders scattered over the slopes. The ground was covered with fine white gravel and it truly felt like I could be on the moon. I had already headed off the main road to reach Red Rock, so I continued along secondary highways to my next destinati...

Flavourful Saskatoon, July 23, 2018

Urban Ag Tours, July 28 CHEP Good Food and Saskatoon Food Council are hosting urban ag tours on July 28. Take in all or some of the stops ā€“ from hugelkultur to urban chickens. Nutrition and Plant-Based Diets, Aug. 7  Vesanto Melina , lead author of the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticsā€™ current Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets will speak on Nutrition and Plant-Based Diets: Protein, Iron, and Zinc from 3-4:30 pm , Aug. 7, in Rm 1130 E-Wing, Health Sciences Building, University of Saskatchewan. The talk is sponsored by the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the Dietitians of Canada. Slow Food Saskatoon AGM, Aug. 8  Everyone is invited to attend Slow Food Saskatoon ā€™s potluck supper and annual general meeting from 6-8 pm , Aug. 8, at the Lutheran Seminary on campus. Vegan Potluck, Aug. 8  Thereā€™s a vegan potluck supper planned for Aug. 8. Plant-based food options for everyone ā€“ not just vegans. Stories from the Garden Saskatoon Open Door Society ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, July 16, 2018

Seeing Orange with Chef Jenni, July 22 Chef Jenni will be dishing up a menu featuring seabuckthorn from 10 am-3 pm , July 22, at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market. Pick Your Own Haskap Berries  Call Sandra at (306) 749-7040 or (306)749-7782 if you want to pick haskap berries at Northern Lights Orchard , Birch Hills. Pike Lake Farmersā€™ Market Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market vendors are at Pike Lake every Thursday from 10 am-2 pm . Congratulations sweetsugarbean!  Congratulations RenĆ©e Kohlman for being nominated for a Taste Canada Culinary Writing Award for All the Sweet Things . From Cornwall to Mexico  When Cornwallā€™s tin mines fell into decline, many of the miners headed to the silver mines in Real del Monte, Hidalgo, Mexico. They brought with them their tools and expertise but also the Cornish pasty . ā€œThe pasty was popular with miners because it made a supremely practical packed lunch. The golden pastry was tough as a minerā€™s hands and prevented the ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, July 9, 2018

9 Mile Legacy, July 10  Paul Seesequasis will be discussing an Indigenous archival photo project at 7:30 pm , July 10, at 9 Mile Legacy Tap Room. Market News  There are two new vendors at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market ā€“ both Newcomers to Saskatoon sharing a taste of their homelands. Good news for those of you who like to sleep in on Saturdays ā€“ the Market is now open until 3 pm . Mexihco by La Bamba  La Bamba has opened a sister restaurant, Mexihco , at 129 2nd Avenue North. Wedding Bells  If youā€™re looking for wedding favours with fabulous locally-made flavour, consider French macarons from Wild Serendipity Foods (salted caramel, strawberry shortcake, london fog, saskatoon berry, or elderflower lemon) or handmade marshmallows (layered raspberry and champagne with edible gold and toasted coconut) from Foodcraft by Sarah . Sarah lives in Swift Current but says the marshmallows are easy to ship. Roast Cauliflower Leaves  Who knew! Donā€™...

Flavourful Saskatoon, July 2, 2018

Our Farm I shopped at Our Farm ā€™s organic vegetable stand on Broadway on Saturday. As you can see from the photographs, they sell a wide range of beautiful vegetables and herbs. I was pleasantly surprised to learn they also make and sell soap and hand cream. Frisk Market Frisk Market , an all-vegan grocery store, is now open at 2209 Avenue C North. Jenn Sharp ā€“ Flat Out Food Jenn Sharp is hitting the road with photographer Richard Marjan to discover the best food Saskatchewan has to offer. Sheā€™ll be publishing a book telling the story of Saskatchewanā€™s food artisans in the spring of 2020 with Touchwood Editions. You can follow her travel adventures at Flat Out Food . Wild Serendipity Foods, July 14 Wild Serendipity Foods will be back at the market July 14 with authentic French macarons and scones. She hopes to be back weekly after that date. Stirring the Pot for Social Change Immigrant and Indigenous cookbooks demonstrate that cooking can be an act of resistance as...