Perpignan à Noël

I took a day trip to Perpignan yesterday. Although not right on the coast, it’s certainly a return to the Mediterranean feel with palm trees, balconies, and plazas.

And, in the background, so close you feel you can touch them, are the Pyrenées.

Perpignan was the capital city for the Kingdom of Majorca in the 13-14th centuries, and the palace of the kings of Majorca is lovely.

There was a Christmas market set up along one of the rivers with everything from soap (yes, that really is soap in the first photo below) and wool to honey, cheese, and liqueurs.

And, of course, there were lots of rides for the kids.

It’s somewhat strange to see Christmas trees in the midst of palm trees, but I was thrilled to be able to sit down for lunch on an outdoor restaurant patio – no coat required!


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