Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Autumn is chestnut season in France, and you will find them – and eat them – everywhere – roasted chestnuts, chestnut cake, chestnut yogurt, and so much more.

And, if you’re on the Cȏte d’Azur in November, you absolutely must go to the Fête de la Châtaigne in Cagnes-sur-Mer, just outside of Nice.

The fair takes over the whole town centre, drawing crowds of people. There are: Marching bands

Petting zoos and pony rides

An old-fashioned, possibly handmade, merry go round

Demonstrations by lacemakers and ironmongers

Wool-making dioramas

And, of course, there is food! Lots and lots of it!

Roast chestnuts

Medieval wine and beer made from chestnuts

The local specialty – socca (pancake made with chickpea flour) – was highly popular drawing huge lineups.

A seriously fun event in a lovely little town by the sea.


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