
Showing posts from 2016

Nuits St. Georges: Burgundy, Black Currants, and Books

I was so excited to finally have a chance to visit Burgundy, one of the worldā€™s top wine regions. I spent a couple of hours in Nuit St. Georges , one of the many wine villages near Dijon, and finally understood how intermingled fields and dwellings are. You walk across the bridge and you're in the fields. The warehouses are in the town itself. I knew that the best Burgundy wine comes from the slopes, rather than the flat fields below, and the distinction was obvious. I visited the Cassissium to find out how liqueur de cassis (black currant), another local beverage, is made. The tasting was informative. There is a cheaper version that is less alcoholic, but it tastes mostly of sugar. The higher-alcohol, higher-quality version contains more fruit, which really improves the flavour. Itā€™s definitely worth paying a little more for the better-quality product. If youā€™re a Burgundy enthusiast but unable to travel at the moment, here are some books about Burgundy that Iā€™v...

Dijon, France - Tiled Roofs, Roosters, and Owls

I had two days in Dijon, not nearly enough time in this beautiful city. Here are a few photos of the lovely tiled roofs, timbered houses, and architectural details. There are some wonderful architectural details if you look up. This image seems particularly appropriate for the wine region of Burgundy. If you go, be sure to follow the Owl's Trail , a well-signposted route to the city's major sites.

Les Halles, Dijon

Oh, how I love markets. And Dijon's central market - Les Halles - is no exception. There were new vegetables grown in Brittany that I'd never heard of before - cerfeuil (?) and oca . There were so many gorgeous cheeses. And soft, juicy dried apricots. Just around the corner, I had my choice of patisseries with so many delectable cakes. And, on the main street, was the Maille mustard store with flavours that are never for sale in Canada.

Dijon's Christmas Markets

Dijon at Christmas is even more magical than it is 365 days a year. There are two major sites for their Christmas markets plus a variety of children's rides and carousels sprinkled throughout the town centre. And most of the town centre is pedestrianized - what a treat! There is food and drink. There are handicrafts. And, best of all, there's a ferris wheel! Merry Christmas!

Cambridge Water Meadows

I had a sunny morning for my walk across the water meadows into Cambridge City Centre. Cambridge has a wonderful network of footpaths and footbridges for cyclists and pedestrians alike. Lots of waterfowl to admire. I'm not the only Canadian tourist in Cambridge by a long shot!

Flavourful Saskatoon, December 19, 2016

Carcassonne, France Herb-a-licious, Jan. 19  Learn how to create your own herb garden at The Glen at Crossmount on Jan. 19. A Local Hero Itā€™s heart-warming to read about Laurie Oā€™Connor, Executive Director, Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre . Three cheers for people like Laurie who reach out to help others and make our community a better place. Ostentatious Orange For a limited time only, Nvigorate (Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market) is offering Seabuckthorn Gelato with a chocolate swirl. Weā€™re Fooling Ourselves  There are some major psychological barriers to preventing food waste . For example, we donā€™t like an empty refrigerator or an empty shopping cart. And we may inspect prices carefully when shopping, but weā€™re nowhere near as price conscious when weā€™re cleaning out the refrigerator. ā€œWe so often say, ā€˜What do I want for dinner?ā€™ as opposed to, ā€˜What do I have for dinner?ā€™ . . . I think we need to reframe the way we think about what we have in our fridg...

Flavourful Saskatoon, December 12, 2016

Finger Foods Sampling Event, Dec. 18 Sample a wide range of easy-to-make recipes using local ingredients at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market from 11 am to 1:30 pm , Dec. 18. Final Night Market before Christmas, Dec. 21  Sip some wine and cocktails while you pick up your last-minute purchases at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market night market on Dec. 21 The Local Kitchen YXE Iā€™m looking forward to hearing more about The Local Kitchen , which is just getting off the ground in Saskatoon. The three women who have set it up say their vision is to ā€œsupport food-focused entrepreneurs in developing, operating, and growing successful businesses to enhance the local food industry; while simultaneously providing a fun, fresh and welcoming environment, where members of the community can engage with their local food system through workshops, cooking classes, and retail.ā€ They plan to rent out 3 commercial kitchens and offer classes and events. New Brunswick Kitchen Party, May 10-14  ...

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Autumn is chestnut season in France, and you will find them ā€“ and eat them ā€“ everywhere ā€“ roasted chestnuts, chestnut cake, chestnut yogurt, and so much more. And, if youā€™re on the Cȏte dā€™Azur in November, you absolutely must go to the FĆŖte de la ChĆ¢taigne in Cagnes-sur-Mer, just outside of Nice. The fair takes over the whole town centre, drawing crowds of people. There are: Marching bands Petting zoos and pony rides An old-fashioned, possibly handmade, merry go round Demonstrations by lacemakers and ironmongers Wool-making dioramas And, of course, there is food! Lots and lots of it! Roast chestnuts Medieval wine and beer made from chestnuts The local specialty ā€“ socca (pancake made with chickpea flour) ā€“ was highly popular drawing huge lineups. A seriously fun event in a lovely little town by the sea.