Flavourful Saskatoon, August 19, 2013

Eastview Community Gardens, Aug. 28
Eastview Community Gardens are holding an open house on August 28 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at both locations. The Arlington Garden is located behind John Dolan School on Arlington Avenue and the Louise Street garden is located a couple of blocks east of Market Mall on Louise Street.

Marr Harvest Fair, Sept. 2 
Bring your entries of best jams, jellies, pickles, flowers, garden produce, baking and handiwork to the Marr Harvest Fair on September 2 from 1-4:30 pm.

Collective Kitchen Leadership Training, Oct. 1-2 
CHEP is looking for participants who are committed to running a collective kitchen. They are offering leadership training on October 1 and 2. For more information, contact Janet Phillips at 306.655.4575 (ext. 223) or email janet@chep.org.

Community Farmers’ Markets
I visited the Community Farmers’ Market in the London Drugs parking lot on 8th Street last Friday for a change of pace and was pleasantly surprised to find lots to buy – fruit, vegetables, baked goods and flowers. I am enjoying the cherry-truffle brownies and fresh fruit slices from the Cake Witch, and I purchased sweet peas and sunflowers from Tierra Del Sol.

Goodlife Greenhouses had heirloom tomatoes and a variety of canned goods. Diane tells me that she cans every Wednesday so there’s quite an assortment.

The market is compact and you can park immediately beside the stalls – perfect for anyone with mobility problems (I’m currently using a walker).

The Community Farmers’ Market is at the 8th Street London Drugs on Tuesdays and Fridays and at Peavey Mart on 51st Street on Thursdays (9 am – 3 pm). The Saskatoon Farmers’ Market is also open on Wednesdays and Sundays, and those days are less crowded and not as large as the Saturday market – and there’s still lots to buy in the summer.

The Whole Fromage 
Cheese – glorious cheese – and it’s all French. The Whole Fromage: Adventures in the Delectable World of French Cheese by Kathe Lison is a fantastic read. Lison takes you from milking sheep by hand in the Pyrenees to the cavernous, industrial production of Roquefort. It’s a fascinating look at how you maintain tradition while still running a successful business. Just be sure to have some cheese on hand to nibble while you read.

Summer in a Jar 
It’s that time of year when the tomatoes are finally ripening and gardeners have an over-abundance of zucchini – time to store some of that summer bounty away for the winter. I wrote an article for Trifecta, SaskMade Marketplace’s newsletter, about some of the wonderful Saskatchewan products we can eat all year round.

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Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

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