The Aude River

I have walked beside the Aude River every day for the past two months and have been reminded of the important role rivers play in our lives. They are often the heart of our cities, a place where we can go to relax as we watch the water flow, and in the past they were essential for transportation, business, and everyday life.

The Aude River originates in the Pyrenees, slowly gathering force as it heads down onto the plain, passing through Quillan, Esperaza, Limoux, and Carcassonne before entering the Mediterranean at Narbonne.

Logging was important in this region in the past and thousands of logs were floated downstream in rafts. Products were shipped from Quillan down river to Carcassonne, a regional centre. The water also provided power for flour mills and sawmills as well as irrigation for the crops. Women knelt by the water’s edge to wash the town’s laundry.

Times have changed, but the river continues to play an important role in Quillan’s economy. White-water kayaking in the nearby mountain gorges attracts visitors, and tourists and locals alike enjoy the riverside restaurant terraces.

For me, the river has brought daily pleasure as I listened to its gurgle, watched the ducks, wagtails and heron, and admired the curving stretches of river, the trees changing colour as autumn progressed.


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