Flavourful Saskatoon, May 1, 2017

Mother’s Day Brunch, May 14 
The Griffin Takeaway is hosting a Mother’s Day brunch on May 14 at Honey Bun Café.

Open House Farm Event, June 14 
Tour New Life Oranic Foods grain facility at the Witzaney Family Farm Open House on June 10.

Simpkins Market Garden 
I had a chat with Dixon Simpkins from Simpkins Market Garden last week and learned that they’re able to sell vegetables almost year round thanks to a large root cellar built into the side of a hill. He also told me they’re trying out a couple of new crops. They planted purple asparagus last year. He’s not sure how much will be ready for market this year – maybe next year. Apparently it’s popular in the United Kingdom. They’re also planning to grow husk cherries this year. He saw lots on sale last year at the Jean-Talon Market in Montreal.

Wild Serendipity Foods 
You’ll have two opportunities to purchase scones and macarons from Michelle at Wild Serendipity Foods this summer – indoors at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market and outdoors at the Ideas Inc. market starting May 6. Enjoy!

Jim Ternier 
Jim Ternier had a degree in Mathematics; he never intended to become a farmer. But he started selling vegetables, found seeds more profitable, and is now a driving force for seed saving. His company, Prairie Garden Seeds, sells an amazing collection of locally grown seeds, including old grains, especially wheats.

Popeye's Favorites 
For those of you who worry you won’t get enough iron on a vegetarian/vegan diet, here are 14 vegetables that have more iron than meat.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post articles about food that is good, clean and fair; travel; and books. You may also enjoy EcoFriendly Sask profiling Saskatchewan environmental initiatives and events. 

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