Flavourful Saskatoon, June 20, 2016

The artistry of Tim Yoder, Peasant's Pick, Saskatoon Farmers' Market

Food Justice and Traditional Foods Networking Gathering, June 28 
CHEP Good Food Inc. and Wanuskewin Heritage Park are hosting a Food Justice and Traditional Foods Networking Gathering at 8:30 am, June 28. Guest speaker Sandra Walker will share a presentation on ethnobotany and Indigenous survival foods. RSVP by June 23.

Our Farm, July 2
Our Farm will be back in St. Joseph’s parking lot at the corner of Broadway and 8th at 8 am, July 2. They’ll be selling their vegetables there every Saturday until the end of September.

Hort Week, July 2-9 
Check out the wide array of courses on offer during Hort Week – from Backyard Veg Gardening to Drinking Your Garden and Keeping Bees in an Urban Setting.

Julianna's lovely smile, Those Girls at the Market

Fresh Pizza Dough
Earth Bound Bakery sells fresh pizza dough every day they're open. 

Guide to India Pale Ales 
Ever wondered about the difference between an English IPA and an American one? Curious to find out about Belgian, Vermont, and Northeast-style IPAs? Then you’ll appreciate Lucky Peach’s Guide to India Pale Ales.

Why Sourcing Local Food is so Hard for Restaurants 
Chipotle prided itself on serving locally sourced food, but then it was linked to outbreaks of E. coli, norovirus, and salmonella. Professor Quelch, Harvard Business School, says, “local sourcing adds complexity, increases risk and fragments the supply chain. Even if you have a standard quality control procedure for all of your sources, you’re not going to be able to monitor them on-site at every location. You’re going to have to put your trust in the suppliers to live up to the expectations laid down in the quality control guidelines. . . . most local suppliers lack substantial experience in testing their products. They don’t have as much experience with USDA inspection procedures and their own internal inspection systems may not be as well-developed and operationally as reliable” as those of large companies.

Greed, Murder, Obsession, Arson 
Tangled Vines: Greed , Murder, Obsession, and an Arsonist in the Vineyards of California by Frances Dinkelspiel tells the story of Mark Anderson, an oenophile and con man who set fire to a wine storage facility, with devastating impact on the wineries that lost their libraries and their financial resources. The author goes on to outline the many other occasions when love of wine has led to fraud, murder, and competition in California. There’s a dark underside to the wine industry.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post articles about food that is good, clean and fair; travel; and books. 

You may also enjoy EcoFriendly Sask profiling Saskatchewan environmental initiatives and events. 

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