Flavourful Saskatoon, April 18, 2016

Warman Farmers’ Market, May 5 
Warman Farmers’ Market will be reopening for the season on May 5. They’re located in the City Hall Parking Lot, Thursdays from 2-6 pm.

Beer Fest, May 7
Louis’ on the University of Saskatchewan campus switched to serving only Saskatchewan-made craft beer this year. They’re hosting a Sask Beer Fest on May 7 with over 30 local beers.

Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company, May 7 
Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company will be at the Saskatoon Farmer's Market every Saturday and Sunday during May and June with their heirloom tomato plants, native wildflower plants, and native wildflower seeds.

Women on the Go, May 14
Women on the Go is offering a South Sask Sampling Tour, with the first tour on May 14. They’ll be visiting Last Mountain Distillery, Over the Hill Orchards, and Rebellion Brewing.

Karma Conscious Café & Eatery
I had a delicious lunch from Karma Conscious Café & Eatery on Friday. A large slice of Victoria sponge cake was the perfect complement to the spicy bahn mi naanwich filled with sliced paneer and pickled vegetables. I’m looking forward to enjoying their outdoor seating area (see photo). Keep your eyes peeled for their bicycle cart offering cold brew coffee. Karma is currently donating 3% of its profits to the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre.

Saskatoon Food Bank
More than 20,000 people visit the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre each month, up 4,000 from last year. Despite generous donations, the Food Bank is having a hard time keeping up and may have to go from 2 hampers per person per month to only one.

Canadian Vegan
Here are 8 vegan restaurants in Canada worth trying.

Lies, Lies & More Lies 
“If you eat food, you are being lied to every day.” A Tampa Bay journalist checked the facts for restaurants claiming to serve local food and farmers’ market vendors who claimed to grow the food they sold – they didn’t.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


michelle zimmer said…
At the Saskatoon Farmer's Market, we actually send out people to investigate farms/operations if it is suspected that they are not actually growing their own product. Any such allegations are taken very seriously, as we pride ourselves on being an authentic farmer's market, where 'make it, bake it, grow it' is our motto.
Penny McKinlay said…
That's good to know, Michelle, and I wasn't trying to suggest that the Saskatoon Farmers' Market was lying to customers. I do think it's a risk that we should be aware of so that we can prevent it happening.

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