
Showing posts from April, 2016

Flavourful Saskatoon, April 25, 2016

Green Almonds & Plums  Tis the season! Green almonds and green plums are available at Petra Market . Prairie Bella Pasta  Prairie Bella Pasta is back in the kitchen after a maternity break. Subscribe to her newsletter to know when she has something for sale. SpiceWorks Dadā€™s Organic Market sells SpiceWorks seasoning mixes , and theyā€™re delicious. If youā€™re a vegetarian, donā€™t be put off by the name as the Buttered Chicken mix is delicious with tofu and vegetables. FairTrade Coffee Challenge Coffee drinkers are invited to join the World FairTrade Challenge from May 13-15 to support coffee producers in their fight against climate change. Register online and record how many cups of fair trade coffee you drink. Breakfast Around the World  Lucky Peach magazineā€™s breakfast issue highlights breakfasts around the world ā€“ from Spain where pancakes are served at 9 pm (Spanish people donā€™t eat breakfast) to North Carolina where leftover pizza has replaced ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, April 18, 2016

Warman Farmersā€™ Market, May 5  Warman Farmersā€™ Market will be reopening for the season on May 5. Theyā€™re located in the City Hall Parking Lot, Thursdays from 2-6 pm. Beer Fest, May 7 Louisā€™ on the University of Saskatchewan campus switched to serving only Saskatchewan-made craft beer this year. Theyā€™re hosting a Sask Beer Fest on May 7 with over 30 local beers . Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company, May 7  Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company will be at the Saskatoon Farmer's Market every Saturday and Sunday during May and June with their heirloom tomato plants, native wildflower plants, and native wildflower seeds. Women on the Go, May 14 Women on the Go is offering a South Sask Sampling Tour , with the first tour on May 14. Theyā€™ll be visiting Last Mountain Distillery, Over the Hill Orchards, and Rebellion Brewing. Karma Conscious CafĆ© & Eatery I had a delicious lunch from Karma Conscious CafĆ© & Eatery on Friday. A large slice of Victoria sponge ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, April 11, 2016

Taming of the Brew, Apr. 23/25 The Woods Alehouse is celebrating Shakespeareā€™s birthday and St. Georgeā€™s Day on Apr. 23 and 25 with traditional English cuisine and special kegs of The Merry Wort of Windsor, a mild ale with a light chocolate profile. Recite your favourite Shakespeare sonnet or quote and get 50% off your first pint of the featured ale. Street Stall Saturdays, May 7 The newly-formed Saskatoon Food Truck Association will be holding Street Stall Saturdays beside Ideas Inc./Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market starting May 7. SK Author Tracks Rise of Organic Food Movement Pointing to the different customer groups that buy organic food, Lisa Clark, author of The Changing Politics of Organic Food in North America , says she "hopes her book sheds light not only how the organic movement evolved, but will help readers better understand its current state, and the ongoing debates around where it may be headed . . . . "These things are political . . . . One of the thing...

Flavourful Saskatoon, April 4, 2016

Karma Grand Opening, Apr. 15 Karma Conscious CafĆ© & Eatery is holding its grand opening on Apr. 15. There will be live entertainment and free samples. Orofino Wines  Award-winning Orofino Winery is owned by former Saskatchewan residents. You can enjoy their wines at the following events: Regina, Apr. 21 ā€“ wine pairing dinner at Wild Sage Kitchen & Bar Saskatoon, Apr. 22 ā€“ wine tasting seminar at Co-op Wine, Spirits, Beer Canning 101, Apr. 23 Take a Canning 101 workshop at the Glen at Crossmount on Apr. 23. Introductory Beekeeping Courses  Saskatoon ā€“ May 14-15 , Lalonde Honey Farms Regina ā€“ May 28-29 , St. Josephā€™s Honey, Balgonie Riversdale Deli/ Capanna Pizzeria  I was sad to learn that Riversdale Delicatessen and Capanna Pizzeria are closing and will be up for sale. Culture Mother  Culture Mother in Gravelbourg, SK, sells live Kefir, Kombucha Scoby, Jun Scoby, Mesophilic Yogurt and Sourdough cultures. New(ish) Regina Busines...