Flavourful Saskatoon, March 7, 2016

Hot Cross Buns 
Oh, happiness! Hot cross buns are back at Earth Bound Bakery.

I’m sure that The Night Oven Bakery will have them soon too. In the meantime, the Night Oven’s croissant stuffed with house-made blood orange and mixed citrus marmalade sounds amazing!

Regina Farmers’ Market 
Regina Farmers’ Market is open again from 9 am – 1 pm, Saturdays only, from March 5 to April 30, at 2065 Hamilton Street.

The New Bread Basket 
Farm-to-fork isn’t a simple, one-step process explains Amy Halloran, author of The New Bread Basket: How the New Crop of Grain Growers, Plant Breeders, Millers, Malsters, Bakers, Brewers, and Local Food Activists are Redefining Our Daily Loaf. Farmers can’t afford to grow and sell locally unless they have seed that is suited to their location and they can be assured of a market. Enter their partners in the local food system – from university researchers to craft breweries.

The book focuses on the US, in particular the Northeast, but I was delighted to find a reference to Bryn Rawlyk, Saskatoon’s very own Local Grains Superstar!

Optimizing Healthy Eating 
How do you encourage people to make healthy food choices? The Google Food Team and the Yale Center for Customer Insights identified a number of ways that you can nudge people to make healthy choices. They range from positioning the healthy food in the privileged position (e.g. on a buffet or menu, the healthy food should be the first item in a pair or the middle item in a set of three), to changing serving sizes, to promoting unpopular vegetables right next to the dish.

Most Urban Farmers Aren’t Making a Living 
A recent survey of 370 farmers working in or around US cities indicates that most urban farmers aren’t making a living. The majority were socially motivated, leading the researcher to suggest that the non-profit model might be a way for socially conscious farmers to find grants and donations to cover their shortfalls.

How Greggs Bakery Conquered Britain 
Greggs is a large bakery chain that can be found in almost every British city. The quality of their bread doesn’t satisfy me, but I was curious as to how they had become so big and so popular. It starts with cheap prices but extends to a Northern identity, instant consumption, and more.

Combining Theatre and Food 
A London-based set designer and chef are combining food and theatre for pop-up events that last from a week to a month. Held in unconventional settings, past events have included A Night with the Mistress, The Servants’ Supper, Gone Camping, The Engine Room, and Forest Feast.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

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