Flavourful Saskatoon, February 11, 2016

The sheep did NOT appreciate having to share the road.

Culture Café, Jan. 23 
Learn how to make kefir at Intuitive Path Super Foods’ Culture Café at 2 pm, Jan. 23.

Robbie Burns’ Day, Jan. 25
The Woods Ale House is celebrating Robbie Burns’ Day on Jan. 25 with a dinner paired with Scotch (hosted by Laphroaig).

You can also attend a Scotch tasting at Saskatoon Co-op Liquor from 7-9 pm, Jan. 25, or have a taste of Auchentoshan and Bowmore Scotch from western Scotland on Jan. 22.

Tomato Geeks 
If you’re enthralled by tomatoes with names like Pink Boar, Spudakee, Absinthe, you should be following Tomato Geeks on Facebook. It makes me lust after growing a garden with row after row of gorgeous, unusual tomatoes.

Quebec Beer 
Have you ever taken a close look at the labels on Quebec’s craft beer? There’s a lot of history and politics in those names and images.

10 Ways to Celebrate the Annual Year of Pulses
"Pulses can contribute significantly in addressing hunger, food security, malnutrition, environmental challenges and human health," adds UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.” Plus they’re grown locally and lend themselves to such a variety of different dishes. Here are 10 ways we can celebrate the Year of Pulses, including donating pulses to the food bank, growing them in our garden, or cooking a variety we’ve never tried before.

No Diet, No Detox: Relearning the Art of Eating
This is a lengthy but thought-provoking read about our attitudes towards food and our search for quick fixes rather than relearning the art of eating.

“So many of our anxieties around diet take the form of a search for the perfect food, the one that will cure all our ills. Eat this! Don’t eat that! We obsess about the properties of various ingredients: the protein, the omega oils, the vitamins. But nutrients only count when a person picks up food and eats it. How we eat – how we approach food – is what really matters. If we are going to change our diets, we first have to relearn the art of eating, which is a question of psychology as much as nutrition. We have to find a way to want to eat what’s good for us.”

Indoor Farming
Is indoor farming the way of the future? “It’s not hard to find people who don’t believe that indoor farming is a panacea. In a presentation this September, Bruce Bugbee from Utah State University’s Department of Plants, Soils and Climate made the case that the fossil fuels needed to support the crops would add up to about $400,000 per acre. And even though lights are getting more efficient, the amount of solar panels needed would take up about five times the area as the cropland itself.” 

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


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