Flavourful Saskatoon, October 26, 2015

Saskatoon Food Access
Saskatoon Food Access is a new Facebook page designed to discuss food access in Saskatoon. They are encouraging people to sign a petition and send a letter to Galen Weston, Loblaw’s Executive Chairman, protesting the fact that not only has Loblaws closed the Shop Easy grocery store in City Park, but they have placed a restrictive caveat on the sale of the land, prohibiting it from becoming another grocery store.

Green & White’s Food Issue
Green & White, the University of Saskatchewan’s alumni magazine, has dedicated its fall issue to food. The Hummus Effect: Changing North American flavour palates one pulse-based dip at a time was particularly interesting:

“Canada is the world’s leading exporter of lentils, chickpeas, and peas, and Saskatchewan grows 96 per cent of Canada’s lentil crop, 90 per cent of Canada’s chickpea crop, and 70 per cent of Canada’s dry pea crop. 

“This dominance is a relatively new development. SaskPulse reports that Saskatchewan farmers only started diversifying into pulse crops in the 1970s, pushed by the wheat glut of that time and by the availability of well-adapted varieties developed at the University of Saskatchewan.”

I'm enjoying Linda Ortiz's tomatillo verde/avocado dip - mild but full of flavour

Food Security, Nov. 26 
What Does Food Security Mean to Canadians?, a two-hour panel discussion from 7-9 pm, Nov. 26, will bring together four different researchers to present their perspectives on addressing hidden hunger. Panel members are Rachel Engler-Stringer, Community Health & Epidemiology; Bert Vandenberg, Plant Sciences; Wanda Martin, Nursing; and Emily Jenkins, Veterinary Microbiology.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

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