Flavourful Saskatoon, September 21, 2015

Grow Your Own Mushrooms, Oct. 4 & 7
Find out how to grow your own mushrooms at the Crossmount Arts Barn from 2-3 pm, Oct. 4, and 7-8 pm, Oct. 7.

Fall Events at Saskatoon Co-op Liquor 
The Saskatoon Co-op Liquor store has published an online event calendar for September, October, and November. It’s a great way to plan ahead and not miss out on upcoming tastings, from the history and styles of rum in October to Portuguese wine in November.

A Food Co-op in City Park? 
A group of community residents wants to set up a food co-op now that Loblaws is closing its store in City Park. But it won’t be easy. Loblaws has placed a caveat on the site to prevent another grocery store from opening there – they want you to drive to another one of their stores. We’ve given way too much power to large corporations – it’s time to take some of it back.

Healthy Food for Kids 
Quizzine, a television show made in Saskatoon, combines a cooking show with a quiz to test what children know about healthy eating.

Veggie Burgers’ Ace in the Hole 
Veggie burgers are the underdog – how unfair! 

“The beauty to be found isn’t in a single flavor but in the balance of flavors and the intricate arrangement of textures and tastes. It isn’t simply the patty, veggie or beef. It’s the way the patty snuggles into the bun, the mutually ennobling contrast of pickle with tomato, tomato with lettuce, lettuce with mustard, mustard with patty. 

"In a veggie burger … the same pleasing fairness one finds in a cheeseburger is present. Those equitable ratios, that age-old ingredient alchemy of a burger, are maintained. But in place of former cow is quinoa, whose harvest caused pain to no one. Instead of clogging one’s arteries, it provides protein and fiber and amino acids. Instead of gumming the atmosphere, this one clears it. And here is the veggie burger’s ace in the hole.”

The Evolution of Canada’s Wine Industry 
Canada’s wine industry is making world-class wines. One wine expert predicts the rise of Gamay, Reisling, Chardonnay, and Syrah.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products. 

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