Flavourful Saskatoon, August 4, 2014

Open House Farm Event, Aug. 23
New Life Organic Foods is holding an open house on the Witzaney Family Farm on August 23 from 1-5 pm. There will be wagon rides, burgers, and tours of their grain facilities.

Regina Fermentation Workshop, Sept. 27 
Garden Therapy Yorkton is offering a fermentation workshop in Regina on September 27. It will cover sourdough bread, lacto-fermented veggies, kefir and kombucha.

Three Farmers Chickpeas
Three Farmers has posted an interesting account of how they developed their new product, roasted chickpeas. Every step – idea, flavour, texture, packaging – requires thought.

Vegetarian Restaurant
I was interested to hear that Edmonton has a new vegetarian restaurant, Loma House. It’s part of a small Canadian chain with 7 sister restaurants in Ontario and a factory in Mississauga manufacturing their vegan products. Maybe they’ll come to Saskatoon next! (via Only Here for the Food)

It’s a pleasure to purchase local (Creston), organic milk in refillable bottles while I’m in BC. It would be great if the dairy farmers near Saskatoon would offer a similar option.

Ethical Choices 
If we take the time, there is so much to consider when we purchase food.

Palm Oil: I’ve been concerned about palm oil, which is in so many different products, for a while so I’m delighted to hear that consumer pressure is forcing large corporations to guarantee that their palm oil will coming from traceable sources that are not causing deforestation. Cargill is the latest company to come on board.

It’s good to see that we as consumers can make a difference: “If eaters show that they are serious about the environment, and are willing to pay to protect it, producers and farmers will find it’s in their interest to become stewards.”

Almonds: I’ve recently started seeing articles urging consumers not to eat almonds (or drink almond milk). California produces 80% of the world’s supply of almonds. Unfortunately, almond farming requires a lot of water – 10% of California’s water supply. That’s a problem when California is in the midst of a multi-year drought and is rapidly depleting its supply of groundwater.

One option might be for farmers to switch from almonds to olives, which require less water than other tree crops. A North American source of olives and olive oil sounds like a sensible idea to me.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

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