Flavourful Saskatoon, April 21, 2014

 Roasted Chickpeas 
Three Farmers is testing a new product – roasted chickpeas. They’re currently considering the following flavours: Sea Salt & Lime, Balsamic & Cracked Pepper, Barbecue. I’m particularly eager to try the first two.

I visited Simon Reynolds at Souplicious Creations this past week. Of course, I had to pick up some sticky toffee pudding (amazingly generous portions). I also bought Roasted Tomato and Goat Cheese soup and Minestrone. Yummy. If you’re in Avalon at lunch time, Souplicious is a great place to pick up a hot lunch.

Pedal Power
Check out this East Vancouver coffee shop. It serves organic, locally sourced groceries and fair trade meals. And you can you create your own electricity to power your laptop by pedalling.

Haute Cuisine
Imagine cooking for the president of France! Hortense Laborie did just that, serving the dishes her grandmother used to make. I highly recommend Haute Cuisine; it’s available on Netflix (with French sub-titles).

Labelling GMOs
Three states now require the labelling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. They are Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont. Vermont is the only state prepared to act on its own, and they expect to be sued by the food industry.

Palm Oil Isn’t the Enemy
Palm oil is highly productive, yielding 4-10 times more oil per hectare than other oilseed crops, including soybean and canola. But it’s seen as the enemy when it displaces Indonesian tropical forest and orangutans. The solution? As consumers we must demand certified sustainable palm oil from suppliers who have made a commitment to halting deforestation.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

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