Flavourful Saskatoon, December 16, 2013

Location of Citizen Café
Oops! I made a mistake. Thank you to the reader who let me know that the soon-to-open Citizen Café and Bakery will be located in the old Dance Street location (18 23rd Street East), NOT in the former Caffe Sola location. They hope to open early in the new year.

Healthy Eating on a Budget
I mentioned last week that lentils are a cheap, nutritious source of protein. A reader pointed out that not everyone knows how to cook lentils. True enough, and it points to the importance of cooking classes at school and in the community. But it also points to the need for a culture change, so our community as a whole becomes less meat-centric and has a more widespread knowledge of alternative protein sources.

Here are 5 tips for stretching a tight budget as well as practical suggestions for going organic from Alternatives Journal – including a link to recipes for beans and lentils.

Fermented Food
And, while we’re talking about healthy food, here are 6 reasons why fermented foods are good for you – from energy efficiency to increased nutrient availability and fermented medicine.

Go Nuts!
Did you know that people who eat nuts tend to gain less weight and live longer? This article goes on to say that nuts are full of healthy micronutrients and omega 3 fatty acids. So add a few nuts to your salad or breakfast cereal in 2014. (via Linda – thanks!)

Feast on Words
I bought a wild plum and cardamom scone at Earth Bound Bakery on Saturday, partially because I fell in love with the name. Would I become just a little bit wilder by munching on wild plum?

Similarly, I’m intrigued by the chocolate bar collection at Dad’s Organic Market. Zazubean invites you enjoy chocolate with personality (Cheeky: Be the Sassy Banana). Wild B(o)ar suggests you savagely feast on their single-origin bars. Bissinger’s offers a Banana Pecan Caramel Peruvian Pink Salt chocolate bar (it’s the Peruvian pink salt that captured my attention). And, depending on your mood, you may want to try Giddy Yoyo’s raw chocolate bars.

Check out my Slideshare presentation, Seasoning Your Brand of Food and Wine, for more flavourful combinations of food and words.

Last-Minute Shopping
If you’re still looking for a few Christmas gifts, the Globe and Mail lists 10 tempting treats for the foodie in your life. There’s everything from edible skin care to sriracha candy canes and a catered breakfast in bed.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


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