Flavourful Saskatoon, September 9, 2013

That Tastes Good, Sept. 17 

Join me at 7 pm on Tuesday, September 17, at the Frances Morrison Library where I am giving a presentation entitled That Tastes Good! Tips to help you and your family support sustainable food production and consumption. The presentation is part of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Library Speaker Series.

There will be a display of books and a tasting organized by Slow Food Saskatoon.

National Organic Week, Sept. 21-28 
Celebrate National Organic Week, September 21 to 28.

 The Organic Connections Board is hosting a trade show, kids program and presentation by Penelope Jaggesar Chaffer, a children’s environmental health advocate, on September 26 in Regina.

In Saskatoon, New Life Organic Foods will be offering free samples at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on September 22, 25 and 28.

Start from Scratch Fundraiser, Sept. 22 
You’ll have to move fast to book a ticket for the Start From Scratch Brunch Fundraiser on September 22. Chefs are Dale Mackay & Nathan Guggenheimer (Ayden’s Kitchen & Bar), Renee Kohlman (Leyda’s, sweetsugarbean), Mike McKeown (Prairie Harvest Café) and Tom Brown (Wild Cuisine Catering).

Word on the Street, Sept. 22 
One of the themes at this year’s Word on the Street, Saskatoon’s book and magazine festival, is food. Check out the line-up of authors who will be reading from their work. Amy Jo Ehman and dee Hobsbawn-Smith will be sharing a smorgasbord of food writing at 11:30 am.

Forestry Farm Fall Supper, Sept. 29
The Friends of the Forestry Farm House will be holding their annual Fall Supper at the Superintendent’s Residence at the Forestry Farm Park on September 29. The cost is $25 per person with sittings at 5 and 7 pm. Pre-paid advance reservations only. Call 373-1787 or email c.bear@sasktel.net.

Bon Temps Café
Yes! There are vegetarian options at Bon Temps Café on 2nd Avenue at lunchtime. The vegetable toast creole resembles pizza, but it’s on a flatbread and piled high with vegetables. There’s also a vegetarian muffulatta. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see any vegetarian options on the supper menu.

Tropical Prairie Fruits
It’s awesome that we can get tropical fruit flavour from fruit grown in Saskatchewan.

Northern Vigor Berries has really expanded its range of seabuckthorn products.

And I can’t get enough of the husk cherries from Kaleidoscope Vegetable Gardens. They taste of mangos and are as sweet as candy.

One variety, Aunt Molly's Organic Ground Cherries, is a Slow Food USA Ark of Taste product. For a recipe and more information about ground cherries, see Husk Cherries: A love story

Business of Brewing
I’m excited to see micro breweries and distilleries springing up across Canada. I’d much rather buy from a small, local business than a large multinational conglomerate. But starting up a business can be tough, so the University of Portland’s online certificate program in the Business of Craft Brewing makes a lot of sense.

How Food Preferences Are Formed
The Geography of Taste: How food preferences are formed is an interesting look at the factors that influence our taste in food – from climate and religion, to our mother’s eating habits and our culture.

Flavourful Saskatoon is a weekly Monday feature. I also post regular profiles of culinary entrepreneurs, new restaurants and new food products.

You can follow Wanderlust and Words on Facebook, Twitter, or by email (top right corner).


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