Vancouver Farmers’ Markets and a Labyrinth

I am a weekly visitor at the Saskatoon’s Farmers’ Market so when I discovered that Vancouver has a number of local, summer markets (in addition to longstanding ones like the Granville Island Market), I was eager to check them out.
Last week I visited the outdoor Saturday market in North Vancouver adjacent to Lonsdale Quay. It’s very small with just a handful of vendors selling bread, organic vegetables, and handicrafts.

Today, I visited the West End Farmer’s Market in the 1100 block of Comox Street. There were booths on both sides of the street which had been closed off to traffic. There was a really good assortment of vendors – lots of organic fruits and vegetables, crusty breads and baked goods, pasta, and an assortment of handicrafts (pottery, jewellery). I was fascinated by two guys selling Thai Princess sauces based on a family recipe. I also bought a brie cheese from Little Qualicum Cheeseworks and two lovely little eggplants – surely the first of the season.

Afterwards, I visited St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 1130 Comox Street where they have a replica of the labyrinth found in Chartres Cathedral, France. I enjoy walking labyrinths but felt that this one took itself a little bit too seriously. In contrast, the one I walked in Amiens Cathedral, France was overrun by tourists and a wedding party.


Stephanie V said…
Hey! I recognize that background!
We were just talking about the labyrinth at St Paul's the other day. Glad you found it - even though it somehow was pretentious. Did I misunderstand you?
Penny McKinlay said…
I think "pretentious" is a little harsh. I really admire St. Paul's for providing people with an opportunity to walk a labyrinth. But a labyrinth is simply a representation of life in all its noise and clutter. I don't think it's necessary to take labyrinths quite so seriously.

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