Renaissance Architecture - Ubeda

Ubeda is just 14 kilometres from Baeza (Jaen, Andalucia, Spain) - in fact, you can see Ubeda from the mirador in Baeza. It's a larger community, with a proportionally greater number of Renaissance buildings. There are approximately 6 really lovely 16th century buildings surrounding the Plaza Vasquez Molina and many more elsewhere. They are very solid buildings but beautifully proportioned and some of them have very elaborate sculptures around the arched doorways. Here are just a few photographs to give you a taste of the architecture. I hope you can feel the heat in the photo of the blue door. And, in the second to last photo, please note the rings where you can hitch your horse.
I was unable to take photographs, but I would highly recommend visiting the Sacra Capilla del Salvador. It is surprisingly large for a private chapel, and I appreciated the relative simplicity of its lines. The natural lighting was beautifully incorporated into the design. There is an interesting combination of pagan, Greek and Christian philosophies and images in the sacristy.
I also enjoyed walking around the mirador or walkway that traces the city walls and admiring the view of the Guadalquivir Valley.

My next post will have photographs of the Hospital de Santiago in Ubeda, which has the most amazing staircase.


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