
Showing posts from January, 2018

Westward Ho!

Unlike Appledore which is over 650 years old, Westward Ho! originated as recently as 1863 as a hotel and building company taking advantage of the success of Charles Kingsleyā€™s novel of the same name (set initially in nearby Bideford) to promote tourism to North Devon. It's worth noting that this one of the rare communities that includes an exclamation mark in its name. The community has expanded over the years but remains a seaside resort with holiday flats and cottages, a boardwalk, and a fun fair. The beach extends for 3 miles and is popular with surfers. Rudyard Kipling went to school in Westward Ho! and his collection of stories, Stalky & Co. , is based on his experiences at the United Services College. I left Appledore in brilliant sunshine, but the sky had clouded over by the time I arrived in Westward Ho! half an hour later, and by the end of the day it was grey and drizzling. This was of little consequence, but it does affect the quality of my p...

Flavourful Saskatoon, January 29, 2018

Post-Valentineā€™s Fair Trade Bash, Feb. 16  Fair Trade Saskatoon is hosting a Post-Valentineā€™s Bash from 8-11 pm , Feb. 16, at The Refinery. There will be fair trade wine, snacks from Chef Jenni, and music from Vesti Hanson and The Vexations Unplugged. Entrance is free, but a donation of $20 would be appreciated. Griffin Takeaway Moves to City Park  The Griffin Takeaway is moving! Effective Feb. 5 , theyā€™ll be located at 741 ā€“ 7th Avenue North. Chef de Partie @ Le Relais  Heather Bekar-Schulte, Chef de Partie , is now caterer in residence for Le Relais, FĆ©dĆ©ration des Francophones. Waste-Free Shopping  Bulk Basket , 111-2301 Avenue C North, invites people to bring their own containers and focuses on locally sourced food. They carry everything from fresh fruit and juices to grains, lentils, and pasta. They expect to be 100% plastic-free by the end of the storeā€™s first year. For more information on waste-free shopping, take a look at the Waste Not yxe Di...

Appledore, North Devon

After a busy 5 weeks in London, it was a relief to arrive in the winter quiet of Appledore in North Devon. Appledore is a fishing village on the mouth of the Taw and Torridge rivers as they enter the Atlantic. The village was an important shipbuilding centre for centuries and is still an active fishing port (primarily crab and lobsters), but it has also become a popular weekend and holiday destination for Londoners. On the far side of the estuary is Instow, which looks like a twin to Appledore. The main street runs along the quay with a few shops and a library on the far side. Leading up from the quay are narrow winding lanes with pastel-coloured stucco cottages. Iā€™m staying in one of the cottages on this street and love catching glimpses of the water from the kitchen and bathroom windows. The other kitchen window frames a camellia bush in full bloom. I go out two or three times a day to admire the view at different times of the day and tides. ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, January 22, 2018

Starting Your Zero-Waste Journey, Jan. 24 Cassandra Stinn will share her insights on going zero waste from 7-8:30 pm , Jan. 24, at Soul Foods Conscious Grocer. Cooking with Beer, Feb. 2 Make a 3-course meal using 9 Mile Legacyā€™s beer at The Local Kitchen on Feb. 2. Community Farmersā€™ Market Now hereā€™s a positive thought! Community Farmersā€™ Market has posted its 2018 opening date ā€“ Tuesday, June 19 . Aschenti Cocoa  Aschenti Cocoa chocolate bars are now available at McNally Robinson Booksellers. A Winnipeg company, they source their cocoa directly from small local farms in Cameroon. The cacao is grown without chemicals and only the best beans are shipped to Winnipeg where they are roasted in small batches. Flavours include Cinnamon & Ginger and Almonds & Himalayan Pink Salt. Reinventing the Wheel  Iā€™ve been slowly digesting an in-depth, comprehensive book about the factors that are involved in cheese-making. Reinventing the Wheel: Milk, Microbe...

The Unexpected Benefits of Housesitting

Housesitting was, initially, a less expensive way to travel. But as I reflect on the past few years when I have housesat more and more, I realize I have experienced a great many unexpected benefits from housesitting. Fully Alive  Itā€™s easy to sleepwalk through life. We have routines and predictable patterns. To a fair degree, those get thrown out the window when Iā€™m housesitting. All of a sudden, Iā€™m in a new place and I have to figure everything out from scratch. I may not have even seen the house or have an exact address before I arrive, so there are some anxieties, but Iā€™ve learned to treat it as an adventure. Iā€™ve gone to places Iā€™ve never heard of before and would not have chosen to visit and yet I fell in love with them. I could easily live in Quillan and I really enjoyed the architecture and the outlet of the Louvre in Lens . I buy fruit and vegetables at the butcherā€™s. I discover the multiple ways to travel into London from the suburbs. I eat local specialties ...

Flavourful Saskatoon, January 15, 2018

Vinyasa Yoga for Youth Dinner, Feb. 8 Vinyasa Yoga for Youth is hosting a 5-course vegan meal prepared by some of Saskatoonā€™s best chefs on Feb. 8 as a fundraiser. Waste Reduction at Dadā€™s Youā€™ll get bonus points for taking your own bag to Dadā€™s Organic Market ā€“ 50 points for cloth or reused plastic and 100 points for thermal or cooler bags. What a great waste reduction initiative! Legacy Yogurt  I was sorry to hear that Legacy Yogurt , which has been at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market for the past 8 years, is shutting down operations due to increased costs. Alberta Local Food Act  The Government of Alberta is asking for public feedback on a proposed Local Food Act . Farmersā€™ market and direct farm purchases in Alberta exceeded $1 billion in 2016 and the number of Albertans spending more than $1,000 per year at farmersā€™ markets has doubled since 2008. The proposed act establishes a definition of local food, enhanced food safety training requirements for farmers...

Sweet Tooth Tours, Belgravia, London

Question: Whatā€™s the best way to explore an area of London and satisfy your sweet tooth?  Answer: Sign up for a tour with Lynne Staartjes of Sweet Tooth Tours !  Lynne is a Cordon Bleu-trained baker who loves interacting with people, so she decided to establish Sweet Tooth Tours in July of last year to share some of her favorite food businesses in her home neighbourhood of Belgravia, London. The tour groups are always small, but I was extremely fortunate to receive a personal tour as the other participants had had to cancel due to illness. Belgravia is a pretty neighbourhood with tall white stucco townhouses mingling with a variety of small, independent stores and restaurants. We started our tour at R Chocolates , founded by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, a self-confessed chocoholic, in 1931. A quiet, elegant store, this would be a great place for afternoon tea or a box of chocolates. The hot chocolate is absolutely delicious ā€“ chocolate flakes and roasted and g...

Flavourful Saskatoon, January 8, 2018

Wasted, Jan. 16 Watch Wasted: The Story of Food Waste at The Two Twentyā€™s Community Film Night , Jan. 16. Glen at Crossmount, January  Glen at Crossmount has 3 upcoming events that may be of interest: Introduction to Cider , Jan. 23 Robbie Burns Day Lunch , Jan. 25 History of Wine Grapes , Jan. 30 Wine & Chocolate, Feb. 16 Enjoy a glass of wine and join Julianna Tan of Those Girls at the Market to learn how to make organic raw chocolates on Feb. 16 at The Local Kitchen. Kids in the Kitchen: Mexican, Feb. 22  Kids ages 12-14 are invited to make and eat a Mexican feast at The Local Kitchen on Feb. 22. Veggie fish & chips with mushy peas Volunteers Needed  CHEP Good Food Inc. is looking for volunteers to assist with an after-school childrenā€™s cooking program for grade 4/5 children. Chefs in Training sessions run once a week for 5 weeks at participating elementary schools, with several sessions running over the course of the year. If you ar...

Flavourful Saskatoon, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year! Beginner Latte Art Class, Jan. 11  Venn Coffee Roasters is offering a beginner latte art class on Jan. 11. In Vino Veritas, Jan. 18  Co-op Wine Spirits Beer is hosting In Vino Veritas at Boffins on Jan. 18. Expect a line-up of Italian wines paired with dishes prepared by Boffinsā€™ culinary team. Crowlers  Nope, thatā€™s not a typo! A Crowler is a 32-oz. can that can be filled on any beer tap line and is then sealed. High Key Brewing Co. will be offering crowlers when they open. Fermentation An interesting (long) article about fermentation : ā€œFermentation produces delicious foods. But more than that, it connects humans to the invisible processes of life allā€”to the microbes that were here for billions of years before humans arrived, and will persist for billions more after they have gone.ā€ 5 Mushrooms a Day Keep the Doctor Away  The Guardian newspaper has published a list of future food trends . Iā€™m intrigued by the growing recognitio...