The Waste Not Want Not Cookbook

“Imagine going to the grocery store and leaving with three bags of food, then dropping one in the parking lot and driving away. We all do the equivalent of that every week of our lives.” Almost 40% of the food produced never gets to anyone’s plate. When Cinda Chavich , Canadian food and travel writer, became aware of the problem she was inspired to write a cookbook that would help people to eat well while wasting less food. I try hard not to waste food but I still do, so I was eager to read The Waste Not, Want Not Cookbook and see what I could do better. Using the Cookbook The book’s format is great. Cinda Chavich says that the easiest way to reduce food waste is by using up whatever is in your fridge. The book is divided into three sections with the types of food that people usually buy – fruit and vegetables, staples, proteins. If you don’t know what to do with stale bread or an abundance of lettuce or kale, just flip to the page for that ingredient and you’ll find...