
Showing posts from September, 2012

Flavourful Saskatoon, September 17, 2012

Hispanic wines, a new Alehouse, Student Cooks, British Mustard and a Harvest Supper - Enjoy! The Woods Alehouse is open!  The Woods Alehouse , Paddock Wood Brewingā€™s new taphouse at 148 2nd Avenue North, opens today, Monday, September 17, at 11 am . There will be a live performance featuring John Cohen at 9 pm . The Woods Alehouse will be serving Paddock Wood beer as well as special kegs from around the world and premium liquor. The September menu is posted on their website and includes lots of beer-flavoured dishes ā€“ I look forward to trying it out. Field to Fork, Regina, Sept. 19 If youā€™re in Regina, be sure to take part in Field to Fork in Victoria Park from September 19-22. There will be a full day of workshops (e.g. preserving, composting) on Saturday. Attraversiamo, Sept. 23 Join Chef Jenni for a mobile dinner on September 23. Appetizers will be served at Luna and Hill , while the main course will be across the street at Souleio Foods . Portuguese & Span...

Flavourful Saskatoon, September 10, 2012

Cheese curds, cherries and curry;  apples and ginger; students and an urban food oasis Garden Patch Movie, Sept. 12   Bring your lawn chairs, snacks, family and friends and enjoy a move at 7:30 pm on September 12 in the Saskatoon Food Bankā€™s newly-harvested Garden Patch (900 block of 2nd Avenue North). With the help of local volunteers, the Food Bank was able to harvest twice as much fresh, local food as they did last year - a great addition to the Food Bankā€™s resources. The Food Basket Challenge starts this week. Subscribe via email to the participantsā€™ blog posts . Slow Food Saskatoon, Sept. 13 Donā€™t forget! Slow Food Saskatoon is holding its first official meeting on September 13 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Mayfair Library. I hope to see you there. Cheese Curds, Sept. 15 Herschel Hills, Saskatoonā€™s Artisan Cheese House was at the Saskatoon Farmersā€™ Market on Sept. 8 with fresh, local ricotta. Sharon McDaniel hopes to have fresh cheese curds for sale next Satur...

September 13 - Slow Food Saskatoon Event

Food matters. It sustains life and is at the heart of our families and communities. And yet, far too often, we take food for granted. Slow Food is a global grassroots organizationthat envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy food that is good for them, good for those who grow it and good for the planet. Founded in Italy in 1986, Slow Food International now boasts over 100,000 members in 150 countries around the world, including eight Canadian provinces and territories. One of Slow Foodā€™s newest convivia (local chapters) is Slow Food Saskatoon. ā€œSaskatoonā€™s food culture is evolving. At one time, it was almost impossible to buy artisan cheese. Now weā€™re making it right here in our province. We have restaurants specializing in local, seasonal food. We pride ourselves on supplying the worldā€™s population with not only wheat but lentils, mustard and wild mushrooms,ā€ explains Penny McKinlay, Slow Food Saskatoonā€™s convivium leader. ā€œThe time was right to establish a...

Flavourful Saskatoon, September 3, 2012

Are you up to the challenge? A celiac bake-off, environmentally-friendly packaging and vineyards, the food bank diet Food Basket Challenge Renee Kohlman, aka sweetsugarbean , has accepted the Food Basket Challenge starting September 13. Good luck, Renee! The Food Basket Challenge will be posting the contents of the food baskets the participants receive online on September 12, so you can try it out for yourself at home. Slow Food Saskatoon, Sept. 13  Slow Food Saskatoon is holding its first official meeting on September 13 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Mayfair Library. Find out about Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto; meet Saskatoon's delegate; compare bread made from heritage Red Fife wheat versus standard wheat. This is a fundraising event to support our delegate's travel expenses and to establish an operating fund for Slow Food Saskatoon. Everyone is welcome. Chef Kevin Dahlsjo @ Creekside Orchard, Sept. 14-15  Chef Kevin Dahlsjo from Two by Dahlsjo in Prince Albert will b...