Wild Serendipity Cooking Class
I went to my first-ever cooking class two weeks ago, and I had a blast. Michelle Zimmer ( here's my profile ) of Wild Serendipity Foods has been offering cooking classes for the past five years. One of her most popular classes is Holiday Appetizers, and this is the one that I was fortunate enough to attend. There were nine of us in the group. Some people came alone; some were couples; others were friends. And the age range covered the gamut. There were nine recipes, and I wondered how we would ever make them all in one evening, but it wasnāt a problem. Groups of two or three each took on one or two recipes. I worked on the Mushroom & Artichoke Phyllo Triangles, which were fiddly, so we were only responsible for the one recipe. I was pleasantly surprised by the calm, laid-back atmosphere. People helped each other out, and no one told me I was chopping too slowly. Michelle always seemed to know when someone needed help or was looking for something, so it all flowed extremely...