Honesty and Trust

I got a cheque in the mail last week from the Government of Canada. Or at least I thought I did. But closer inspection showed that it was a fake cheque from the Car Dealership of Canada. They had carefully mimicked the Government logo and style, but the content – or lack of content – was all their own. There are two schools of marketing. One relies on sleight of hand and gimmicks (“You are guaranteed to win one of the prizes”), while the other relies on honesty, trust and relationship building. I endorse the second option. Building a Tribe Every week I buy soup or baked goods from Michelle ( Wild Serendipity Foods ) at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. Her soups are consistently tasty with a bit of zing. So even when she introduces a new flavour – dill pickle, and I hate dill pickles! – I give it a try. And, surprise surprise, I’ve now added dill pickle soup to my list of favourites. I just spent $80 on tea from Camellia Sinensis . That’s a lot of money for something I could buy mu...